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Nov 11, 2019, 10 tweets

Its Monday and your already feeling stressed? 😕

Let’s turn things around and make you feel your best!

Learn how to mitigate 🔥out w/this tweet, props for go out 2 the 1⃣ & only Brent Reed @brentnreed

This amazing presentation is summarized below for you to read!📖

Critical to understand that stress❌=❌burnout

🔑difference: stress👉transient&reversible causes

stress❌NOT always a bad thing!
✅A little bit of stress😬can drive u2 do your best👍💯

⚠️But if fail to get the stressors undercontrol thats when it can take a detrimental toll

Why are ➖feelings residual when u attempt to combat 🔥out as an individual🕴️‍♀️?

Lets🤔back2the cause of 🔥out➡️dissatisfaction in the workplace🏥

Well-being efforts 👉 help cope w/sx of 🔥out
BUT ❌ fails to change why the original problem came about😰

2 conceptualize this concept of psychology, Brent made an analogy using his passion 4♥️ology

Lasix👉SYMPTOM relief 4 HF

Control sx short-term ⏰ ..BUT.. underlying⤴️RAAS👉 continuous♥️damage long-term

Individual improvement strategies(lasix)❌address underlying etiology🏥

In trusting this concept are u still hesitant🤔?
No worries, we all know those cardiology♥️folks always know how to provide us with evidence!📜

Based on these findings👨‍🏫, what is our final conclusion❔

Driving changes within the institution🏥 is the best long term solution!👏

We stress the importance☝🏻of ⤴️resilience, but why has this strategy failed 2make a difference?🤷🏻‍♀️
As HCP👩🏻‍⚕️we've gone through extensive&intensive training➡️we couldnt be where we are today WITHOUT resilience so w/emphasizing this strategy what additional benefit r we gaining?🤔

Mitigating🔥out in this day&age👉stay engaged

☑️Fight hardships & workday rigor w/radiant energy&vigor
☑️Dont lose👀of ur goals w/depersonalization, find fulfillment in workplace &revive ur dedication
☑️Recall the career uve chosen& how important ur work is help remain focused✅

Now, As much as this tweetorial may have burned me out 😅 Brent’s words of wisdom did nothing but 🔥 me up!

Excellent presentation and happy to have shared his insights with the twitter community!

ENCORE! @ATRIUMRx @ACCPpostgrads @MadelineBelk #TwitteRx

@runthismomlife here’s a helpful recap of Brent’s presentation for you!

What other #myths about #burnout do you share with your residents? & what strategies have you found are the best to overcome burnout in the workplace? #gettothecore @MurerCorrigan @runthismomlife @JasonMordino @BMCPharmRes @ErinMcCreary @erin_barreto @FND_pharmacy @ASHPOfficial

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