Peter Oliver Profile picture
President of the Beltline Neighbourhoods Association. Host of the Palgary Almanac on CJSW 90.9 FM.

Nov 29, 2019, 16 tweets

TBT: Calgary City Council time travels from 2014 to save themselves in 2019, courtesy of @markusoff and the @calgaryherald.

Take a look at their November 2014 positions on public subsidy for a new pro hockey arena in Calgary.

#yyc #yyccc #Flames #TBThursday

TBT: 2014 @Ward4Ward1 on public subsidy for a new pro hockey arena in Calgary:

"I would say the most we should ever do is land, if we have land available."

#yyc #yyccc #Flames #TBThursday

TBT: 2014 @Joe_Magliocca on public subsidy for a new pro hockey arena in Calgary:

"While the Flames are an important part of the community, their facility is not something that should be funded by your tax dollars."

#yyc #yyccc #Flames #TBThursday

TBT: 2014 @seanchucalgary on public subsidy for a new pro hockey arena in Calgary:

"I can assure you that I have never been in favour of taxpayers subsidizing this type of private venture"

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TBT: 2014 @RundleRay on public subsidy for a new pro hockey arena in Calgary:

"The best I could see City of Calgary doing is donating land, but I can't see them donating anything else."

#yyc #yyccc #Flames #TBThursday

TBT: 2014 @DruhFarrell on public subsidy for a new pro hockey arena in Calgary:

"Druh ... does not support publicly funded infrastructure for professional sports teams."

#yyc #yyccc #Flames #TBThursday

TBT: 2014 @EWoolleyWard8 on public subsidy for a new pro hockey arena in Calgary:

"I think there's all sorts of creative ways that cities can support and invest in sporting facilities that doesn't include using property tax dollars."

#yyc #yyccc #Flames #TBThursday

TBT: 2014 @gccarra on public subsidy for a new pro hockey arena in Calgary:

"I stand with the mayor, and ... every member of city council in the position that no City tax dollars should be used to subsidize the building of a new arena."

#yyc #yyccc #Flames #TBThursday

TBT: 2014 @CouncillorKeats on public subsidy for a new pro hockey arena in Calgary:

"I support the idea of a new arena, so long as residents can be assured it will have no impact on taxpayers."

#yyc #yyccc #Flames #TBThursday

TBT: 2014 @BigRedyyc on public subsidy for a new pro hockey arena in Calgary:

"I don't support any public money going into this...I think we can contribute land."

#yyc #yyccc #Flames #TBThursday

TBT: 2014 @peterdemong on public subsidy for a new pro hockey arena in Calgary:

"Coun. Demong is not in favour of this either and from what I hear it will be a very hard sell to any members of Council."

#yyc #yyccc #Flames #TBThursday

TBT: 2014 @nenshi on public subsidy for a new pro hockey arena in Calgary:

"Mayor Nenshi would be happy to review any proposals for a new arena, but he is not in favour of contributing public money to fund the construction of that facility."

#yyc #yyccc #Flames #TBThursday

For some context...

Calgary's unemployment rate in November 2014 was 4.20%.

Calgary's unemployment rate November 2019 is currently 7.40%.

#yyc #yyccc #Flames #TBThursday…

Some more context and solid journalism courtesy @klaszus and @sprawlcalgary.

#yyccc #yyc #flames #TBThursday

Now the councillor championing the $285 million arena subsidy is proposing a hack and slash to the Green Line.

#yyccc #yyc #flames…

Some more context...

Price of oil November 2014
🛢WCS $62.87US

Price of oil November 2019
🛢WCS $35.91US

#yyc #yyccc #flames #TBThursday

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