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Investor/Trader using Trendlines, CCI, RS | Head of Product | Not SEBI reg - Content for educational purpose

Jan 17, 2020, 7 tweets

Nifty short term outlook - might face resistance around 12460-80 levels towards the upward channel. The yellow area is the point of reversal to note and for a very bearish outlook the lower channel needs to break. #Nifty #trendlines #trading #hourlycharts

Nifty hourly charts - at the median point (yellow parallel line) of short term reversal. Tomorrow is key. #Nifty #trendlines #trading #hourlycharts

Nifty hourly charts - watch out for reversal tomorrow at 12010-12030 levels which is also the gap support. If the bottom trendline doesn't hold, we will see a very strong correction in the coming days heading towards budget #Nifty #trendlines #trading #hourlycharts

Nifty Hourly charts update - we reversed from 12025 levels today and touched the lower channel. we should see some reversal tomorrow and touch 12100 levels tomorrow.. Below the channel we could see some serious bearishness. #Nifty #trendlines #trading #hourlycharts

Touched the trendline and reversed today.. Gearing up nicely before budget.. If we break the channel tomorrow, then probably a strong fall after budget and vice versa. #Nifty #trendlines #trading #hourlycharts

Nifty - Amazing fall after the budget when it broke the channel and now a retest at the confluence of trendlines. Nothing goes straight down and nothing goes straight up. Will we have a fall before we go up again? #Nifty #trendlines #trading #hourlycharts

No Fall in Nifty Whatsoever. Nifty full on bulls mode. #Nifty #trendlines #trading #hourlycharts

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