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Mar 1, 2020, 24 tweets

#Bernie supporters on Reddit are taking the loss well. Calling voters in SC “rodents”, saying black voters in Southern States shouldn’t matter, and calling South Carolinians “uneducated.”


#BernieSanders supporters are saying that black voters are “low information” and “voting against their interests” and “out of touch” and “are only voting for Biden because of Obama and not his policies”


#BernieSanders supporters:

“years of terrible education in the south due to racism have caused black voters to not get the education necessary to see that only Bernie can help them... it may be necessary mobilize and discourage certain Black voters from turning out.”

#BernieSanders supporters:

Black voters are “low information” and they should “try being a little more informed if they don’t want to be called uninformed,” are “brainwashed against their best interests” and minority communities are “by and large stupid”


#BernieSanders supporters:

Black voters should support Bernie because he “got arrested protesting segregation,” and Southern states are “backwards” and should “fuck off” and if you’re black and supporting Biden “you are uninformed.”


#BernieSanders supporters:

South Carolina “least representative state” of all the early states because over 50% of voters are black. Meanwhile all white Iowa and NH apparently are? Also, again, black People are “voting against their best interest”


#BernieSanders supporters:

South Carolina “doesn’t want change in their lifetimes” and should be “banned from the primaries.” Also, it’s “confusing” why black voters don’t like Sanders, especially since there’s a “picture of Sanders marching with MLK.”


#Sanders supporter:

tfw you actually fought for minorities during the civil rights movement but minorities are so stupid they picked a senile old white man just because he was in office with Obama


#BernieSanders supporters are busting out “education rankings” to defend calling black voters in SC “low information voters.”


#BernieSanders supporters:

“Blacks are simplistic thinkers. "Dat guy wuz Obama's VP. We be votin' fo' him".

No wonder why neoliberals love blacks more than working class whites. They're easier to control.”

And no, this is not a Trump supporter pretending to support Bernie.

#BernieSanders supporters:

Again are “mystified” why Biden does well with black voters, one brings in Michelle Obama being at a Beyoncé concert


#BernieSanders supporters:

Biden managed to “win over some dumb voters” and South Carolina is the “most illiterate state”. Also, “Trump can thank black boomers” is he’s re-elected


*Maybe* a #BernieSanders supporter (this is from Sanders’ subreddit but a newer account)

“Typical. Thanks for nothing, blacks of South Carolina. Enjoy voting in another racist like Biden when Bernie actually wants to empower you, you low IQ monkeys.”


Bernie has a problem in the south because they’re “highly uninformed voters mostly.” Also, there is no reason other than Obama and Clyburn why older black voters should support Biden over Bernie.



SC “isn’t getting” M4A for not supporting Bernie. Also, #Warren should “drop out like a miscarriage”

#BernieSanders supporters:

Black voters are “out of touch” and voted for a “segregationist” over some someone who “marched with MLK”. Also, “black caucuses” hold control over black voters and is why they vote for Biden

#BernieSanders supporters:

“We need to stop caring about issues that affect Black voters” if they’re “going to vote against their best interest.” “Can’t Fox stupid.”

#Sanders supporters:

The South (black voters) only care about Biden because of Obama, and it’s Obama’s “lack of vision continues to hinder the party.” Older black voters have “Stockholm syndrome.”

#Sanders supporters:

“It’s not racist” to say black voters are “low information.” Also, more people having a hard time wrapping their head around why black voters would support Biden

#Sanders supporters:

Old “AA voters” are “idiots” for liking Biden “because of Obama” because “Obama was the worst traitor ever.”

#Sanders supporters:

“I really do not think blacks, in a red state that won't matter into play in November, should get to decide for everyone else”

#Sanders supporters:

“Young blacks don’t vote” and only care “what the president is gonna do for me”. Bernie is having problems with black voters because they’re “uniformed” of Bernie’s “civil rights record“ and the “Killer Mike endorsement.”

#Sanders supporters:

“MLK was a democratic socialist” so “black boomers should like Bernie” but unfortunately, “most black boomers don’t know MLK was a democratic socialist.”

#Sanders supporters:

“If black dudes hate homos, why am I always getting boned by them?”

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