RAICES Profile picture
The largest immigration legal services agency in Texas uplifting immigrant, refugee, and asylum-seeking people and families.

Mar 26, 2020, 6 tweets

Thousands of lives are at risk right now. We cannot abandon our sisters & brothers during these troubling times.

Here are 5 things we can do to 🧊 FREEZE 🧊 the spread of #COVID19 in the immigrant community & keep families #SafeAndTogether.

Immigrants in detention centers across the country are being held in substandard conditions & in times of crisis this just tends to worsen.

Quarantines of these places are of no use when people cannot socially distance.

@ICEgov must #FreeThemAll.

Families continue to be separated thanks to ICE raids, which have NOT stopped, contrary to what the agency has said.

People are already in fear of the virus. @ICEgov must stop torturing the immigrant community and halt all raids.

Asylum seekers under MPP are still living in squalid, overcrowded tent encampments at our southern border where the spread of #COVID19 is imminent.

Our gov't laid the groundwork for this disaster. Now it must freeze CBP, #EndMPP and #ParoleThemAll.

And last but not least, deportations are still happening round the clock, putting a strain on already vulnerable healthcare systems in the global south.

This must stop.

Help us save lives. Share this thread and continue to pressure your Congressional reps.

Together we can 🧊 #FreezeICE 🧊 and #FreeThemAll 🗣️

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