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Jun 13th 2023
1/38. Today is the eighth day of the #BonnClimateConference (#SB58) and it saw the closing plenary of the Technical Dialogue of the #GST, discussions on the #SantiagoNetwork, the continuation of the #NCQG’s 6th Technical Expert Dialogue and the first stocktaking plenary. 🧵 Image
2/38. Today also saw a focus on #HumanRights with a number of side events and an action drawing attention to the key message that “there can be no #ClimateJustice without #HumanRights”.
3/38. Joining "No #ClimateJustice without #CivicSpace and #HumanRights: zooming in on the @UNFCCC process"* with @ciel_tweets, @amnesty and @350, we heard important messages on the need for safe #CivicSpace under the @UNFCCC so that we can make our #LossAndDamage demands heard!
Read 39 tweets
Jun 4th 2023
Protesters joined the family of #JamelFloyd yesterday outside of Brooklyn's Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC) for a noise demo to demand justice for #JamelFloyd & that MDC be shut down.

Jamel was killed by the COs at MDC on June 3, 2020. #FreeThemAll #FireToThePrisons
Protesters joined the family of #JamelFloyd yesterday outside of Brooklyn's Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC) for a noise demo to demand justice for #JamelFloyd & to demand that MDC be shut down. Jamel was killed by the guards at MDC 3 years ago.
#JamelFloyd's family was joined by protesters outside of Brooklyn's Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC) yesterday for a noise demo in memory of #JamelFloyd on the 3rd anniversary of his death at the hands of COs at MDC. Jamel's mother also spoke at the noise demo.
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Apr 17th 2023
“Each Palestinian home has at least one prisoner in Israeli jails, not to mention the households that have a large number of jailed relatives whom they have not met at one table for many years.”
"Our brave prisoners have faced imprisonment and arrest for the slightest reason, whether for practicing their political activities, participating in a demonstration, throwing stones, and wearing clothes containing colors of the Palestinian flags."
NO: simply for being non Jews
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Mar 23rd 2023
#BREAKING | The #Palestinian Captive Movement issues a statement announcing victory in its battle against the Israeli jailer.

#BREAKING | #Palestinian Captive Movement: Our first message is to our prisoners and our army, which always proves its full readiness and solid unity.

#Palestinian Captive Movement: Our second message is to our resistant people who supported us throughout our latest battle.

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Mar 13th 2023
On the #InternationalWomensDay,
Palestinian female captives send a message from inside the Damon prisons.

“From inside Damon prisons, we send you a greeting; a greeting of freedom to every woman in the world in general and every woman in Palestine in particular.”
“We are 29 female prisoners, and each one of us has a story, a steadfast woman who went through the experience of detention, suffering and ugliness, and paid the price for her love for her land and her right to defend her homeland, to spend the years of her life in prisons,”
“We miss our families, we miss our freedom and everything of our lives, and we dream and wish to wake up in the arms of our mothers, but fate wanted us to wake up to the reality of our prisons cells surrounded by high walls that were built by hateful hands.”
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Mar 12th 2023
Okay, stream-of-conscious thread on liberalism, neoliberalism, politics, policy, and philosophy commencing here and going through the night. (There'll be long gaps and pauses) 🧵#NeoliberalShillBracket
Liberalism is values, practices, & institutions. Usual stuff: representative government, now w/ high suffrage democracy, tho that wasn't always the case. I think at this point liberalism requires democracy and without it—whatever may've been once true—it's not really liberalism.
Okay so rep. gov't and high suffrage democracy. Also markets; professional state bureaucracy, rule of law and a constitutional legal tradition; stable property rights and a welfare state. #NeoliberalShillBracket
Read 40 tweets
Mar 12th 2023
⭕ The Prisoners and Ex-Detainees Affairs Authority:

Captive Asif Rifai, 21-year-old
Captive Kamal Jouri, 23-year-old
Captive Omar Abed, 31-year-old

are facing difficult health conditions in Ramla Prison Clinic.

#FreeThemAll Image
Captive Asif Abdel Muti Rifai

• Suffers from cancer, and the cancer cells have spread to several parts of his body. In addition to the colon, the cancer cells have reached intestines, glands and liver.

• His condition is rapidly worsening, Image
Captive Kamal Hani Jouri

• He suffers severe injury after he was shot during his arrest, causing damage to the nerves in his pelvic area.

• Doctors were unable to remove the bullet from its place, because removing it may lead to permanent paralysis. Image
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Feb 27th 2023
Die #IranRevolution lebt, obwohl wir weniger Nachrichten aus Iran erhalten und obwohl die internationale Aufmerksamkeit nachgelassen hat. Was passiert gerade in #Iran? Wir ordnen die Situation für euch ein. #JinaMahsaAmini #StopExecutionsInIran #SaveSharmahd #FreeThemAll
Der Wert der iranischen Währung #Rial (#Toman) fällt. Warum? Immens hohe Inflationsrate, die politische Isolation Irans, das Stocken der Atomverhandlungen, Sanktionen. Die Bevölkerung verarmt. Es herrscht eine hohe Unzufriedenheit, die die Proteste befeuern wird.
Es gibt weiterhin Proteste und Streiks gegen die #IslamischeRepublik. Am 17. Februar, 40 Tage nach der Hinrichtung von #MohammadMehdiKarami und #SeyyedMohammadHosseini, haben wieder tausende Menschen demonstriert.
Read 10 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
8 months before her martyrdom,She was on her way to visit her daughter. She was attacked by a settler which prompted her to hit him.
A group of settlers, escorted by occupation soldiers, rushed to attack 68-year-old Saadia accusing her planned to carry out a stabbing operation…
Saadia Matar was born on (2-10-1958) a mother of 8 from Idna town in Hebron was the oldest Palestinian female detainee.

She was first arrested during the First Intifada of 1987 and was held in administrative detention without charge or trial in 2017 for three months.
The occupation decided to arrest her, and put her in solitary confinement for 2 months.

While she was in prison, Matar’s health deteriorated rapidly. She submitted several requests to see a doctor, but it was denied.
Read 9 tweets
Feb 12th 2023
While visiting her detained brother in Ramon prison, she was subjected to provocations & humiliating searches.
She fought back in defend of herself.

The prison administration immediately arrested her claiming she carried out a stabbing attack.
The case of Prisoner Aseel Al-Taiti
On 2nd Oct 2022, along with her mother&her brother, Mahmoud, she visited her detained brother,Prisoner Sabaa.

During the inspection, the warden removed her scarf by force and Aseel pushed her in response.

The prison administration arrested her along with her mother & brother.
They were transferred to investigations center in the Al-Maskubiya and Petah Tikva, then the mother and brother were released on a bail while Aseel's detention continues.

She was brought to the court more than once, to issue an indictment of planning and executing an appeal.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 11th 2023
The Untold Story of Zakaria Zubeidi..

Zakaria was born in 1976. At 13, he was shot by the occupation soldiers for throwing stones. At 14, he was arrested for the first time.

His mother and his brother, Taha, were killed by the occupation during battle of Jenin 2002.
On 15 May 2022, his brother Daoud, the leader of the Al-Aqsa Brigades, succumbed to his wounds after being shot and arrested by the occupation forces during an armed clash in the Jenin camp. The occupation authorities also kidnapped his body.
“My mother was a great woman. She was fifty-one years old when she was martyred. She spent her life going from one prison to another to visit her kids. My father was also a resistance fighter, as were all my brothers. My mother was a woman who was loved by everyone.”
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Feb 11th 2023
Yesterday, 10 February 2023, five prisoners enter new years inside the occupation prisons.

1. Prisoner Samir Yasser Hassouna Ghaith

2. Prisoner Osama Muhammad Jibril Odeh

3. Prisoner Shehadeh Nemer Shehadeh al-Jiyawi

Prisoner Samir Yasser Hassouna Ghaith (35 years), from Jerusalem, sentenced to life imprisonment.

After his arrest in 2002, he spent 17 years in the occupation prisons.
From the city of Ramallah, the prisoner Osama Muhammad Jibril Odeh (42 years old), who was sentenced to 26 years in prison after his arrest in 2001, and spent 18 years in the occupation prisons.
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Feb 10th 2023
235 Palestinian prisoners have been killed in the occupation prisons. We lost Prisoner Ahmad Abu Ali today and we don't want Asif to be the next martyr.

Raise your voice to #SaveAsif ! Image
Read his story ;

#SaveAsif ImageImageImageImage
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Feb 10th 2023
The martyrdom of Prisoner Ahmed Abu Ali (48 years old) after a deterioration in his health in occupation prison.

Last night, he was transferred to the hospital without details provided.

With his martyrdom, the number of captive martyrs rises to 235. Image
Prisoner Abu Ali, who has been detained since 2012, has been sentenced to 12 years in prison and is the father of nine children,
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Dec 20th 2022
Palestinian political prisoner Nasser Abu Hmeid died in an apartheid Israeli jail earlier today as a result of systemic medical negligence.

Read our full statement:
According to @PpsmoMedia, the Palestinian Prisoners Society: “This is part of a systematic [Israeli] policy of medical negligence and delays in providing treatment, which all the [Palestinian] prisoners are exposed to, not just Nasser.”

.@Addameer - Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association reports that since 1967, 233 Palestinian prisoners have died in apartheid Israel’s jails, including 74 who died as a direct result of systematic Israeli medical negligence.

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Nov 18th 2022
Gerad hat der zweite Prozesstag gegen Ende Gelände Pressesprecherin @SinaChom in Borna begonnen.
Wegen einer @Ende__Gelaende Blockade des Tagebaus Vereinigtes Schleenhain 2019 wird Sina Hausfriedensbruch vorgeworfen. Wir tweeten bis zur Urteilsverkündung aus dem Gerichtssaal.
Los geht's mit der Zeugenaussage eines Polizisten, der die Pressearbeit von @ende_gelaende offensichtlich aufmerksam verfolgt hat und auf Grundlage von "Social Media" aussagt, dass @SinaChom vor Ort war - die schüttelt nur lächelnd den Kopf, weil sie das sowieso angegeben hatte
Es geht heute ja auch nicht darum, ob sich @ende_gelaende der Zerstörung der #Klimakrise in den Weg stellt, sondern darum, ob unser legitimer Protest kriminalisiert wird...
Read 27 tweets
Nov 16th 2022
1/ An honest thread on my #COP27 experience to date with 4 days left!!!
2/ This is a dystopian COP. The fragile trust between developed and developing further erodes as does the trust of citizens to their governments.
3/ Developed countries have sickeningly show that they do not care about the poor and marginalised citizens of the developing world as they challenge equity whilst speaking of urgency and vulnerability in the same breath. I am so disappointed.
Read 11 tweets
Nov 15th 2022
Today isn't only #EnergyDay but also #CivilSocietyDay at #COP27.
Today, thousands of people are still in jail for daring to speak out for human rights, democracy & envr. integrity.
Today we remind leaders - once again - that there is no #ClimateJustice without #HumanRights.
A🧵 Image
Since #COP27 started, civil society observers have never felt so popular: innumerable local staff members have been taking pictures & videos of us, our phone & laptop screens. Some observers have been stopped at the entrance, not for an autograph but to get their bags checked!
And while this constant level of control is unacceptable for a @UN meeting, they offer only a mild insight into the struggle our sisters & brothers go through every day, when basic #HumanRights like the freedom of speech,
press & peaceful assembly are not upheld.
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Nov 13th 2022
Last week, Addameer's General Director Sahar Francis submitted testimony before the Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem and Israel.
📚 Read more about it
📺 Watch the full testimony…
🚨 Adv. Francis explained that the attack on the six Palestinian CSOs is part of a systemic and ongoing campaign targeting CSOs and HRDs, interlinked with the illegal Israeli military occupation, settler-colonialism, and apartheid regime #FreeThemAll #StandWithThe6
🚨 Adv. Francis outlined the critical work that Addameer undertakes defending the rights of Palestinian prisoners and detainees, demanding that Israel be held accountable for its attacks against human rights defenders and civil society organizations. #StandWithThe6 #FreeThemAll
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Nov 12th 2022
NYC: Join us next Saturday 11/19 at NYU for a screening of the @AJEnglish doc "The Holy Land Five" as part of the call to action to #FreeTheHLF5 who were unjustly convicted 14 years ago this month. Limited capacity! RSVP for location: #FreeThemAll
@AJEnglish @CivilFreedoms While this event is limited capacity, we will continue to hold events and educate and build towards the campaign to #FreetheHLF5 both online and offline, from our campuses to our communities.
@AJEnglish @CivilFreedoms We encourage student and activist organizations around the world to host their own screening of the documentary which is available on YouTube and to advocate for the freedom of Shukri Abu-Baker, Ghassan Elashi and Mufid Abdelqader! #FreeTheHLF5
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Nov 8th 2022
During COP27, we urge the Egyptian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release all those held simply for peacefully exercising their human rights, implementing criteria set by local NGOs for these releases: fairness, transparency, inclusiveness and urgency. 1/4
One of these prisoners is Alaa Abd El-Fattah, who is now on a water strike since the beginning of COP27.
A system that doesn't address the needs for climate justice and securing human rights is a system that has failed everyone – we need to keep both in mind. 2/4
Human rights and climate movements are stronger when we stand in solidarity together. Then we can also successfully push those in power to live up to significantly increased adaptation finance and immediately, drastically reduced greenhouse gas emissions. 3/4
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Nov 8th 2022
Attempt to disrupt the press conference for #AlaaAbdelfattah at #COP27

“Egyptian ‘citizens’ attempted to derail & disturb the press conference giving us all a small sense of the regime of fears & silencing in the country right now” @amnesty’s @AgnesCallamard #FreeAlaa #SaveAlaa Image
Photo🖕via journalist @mmsabry who writes:

“First he tried to give a speech and smear Alaa and Sanaa and then he began yelling and whatnot so security took him out”
The man who tried to disrupt the press conference for #AlaaAbdelfattah was Egyptian MP, Amr Darwish

This footage by journalist @NChulani, shows part of the exchange between him & activist @sana2 at #Cop27 
#SharmElSheikh #FreeThemAll
#FreeAlaa #SaveAlaa
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Nov 7th 2022
Das iranische Parlament ebnet 14.000 Hinrichtungen den Weg. Wo bleibt der Aufschrei? Warum ist das heute nicht die dominierende Schlagzeile der Zeitungen weltweit? #FreeThemAll #IranRevolution #JinaMahsaAmini
In einer Zeile des inhaftierten Rappers #ToomajSalehi heißt es, das Regime verstünde sich darauf, Blut mit noch mehr Blut weg zu waschen. Wie Recht er damit hat! Um sich vom Mord an #JinaMahsaAmini reinzuwaschen, sollen 14.000 über die Klippe springen. Wie absurd u. unmenschlich!
Allerspätestens jetzt sollte klar sein, dass es ein "weiter so" in der deutschen Iran-Politik nicht geben darf. Jetzt die @HawarHelp-Petition unterschreiben! Es ist noch nicht zu spät, einen härteren Kurs gegenüber den Machthabern in #Iran einzuschlagen:…
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Oct 31st 2022
Alaa's letter written to his mother today:
"You know the story, but it’s important that I tell it again. This journey, I’ve walked it while mostly looking behind me, because I could see nothing in front of me except extinction .. the abyss. #FreeAlaa
Gradually, with each step, each delay, something reached me .. from a visit, from a letter, from a book, an image, from the book, from news of the campaign and news of Khaled. Things changed and I started looking towards the future, a future for us as a family.
If one wished for death then a hunger strike would not be a struggle. If one were only holding onto life out of instinct then what’s the point of a strike? If you’re postponing death only out of shame at your mother’s tears then you’re decreasing the chances of victory ..
Read 7 tweets

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