Mr. Sune H. Sorensen AKA The Librarian Profile picture
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Mar 27, 2020, 5 tweets

Insightful read from @trevornoren on how "the #Covid19usa is set to expose America's greatest economic vulnerability: #Inequality."… #GlobalTrends #Macro #US #Risks #gigeconomy #RE #Consumers Some takeaways...(1/5)

2/5 "...roughly 40 mln ppl in the #US - 1/3rd of the private labor workforce - work in industries directly affected by #COVID2019" #GlobalTrends #US #Macro #Risks

3/5 The #gigeconomy - "85% of ride sharing drivers would struggle to cover basic costs if they were unable to drive due to illness, 70% would run our of money within a month..." #GlobalTrends #US #Macro #Risks

4/5 #GlobalTrends - "More than 15.5mln Americans work in restaurants. Of those workers, roughly 3 million live in poverty. Most don't have paid sick leave." Most will not be able to pay rent with implications for #RE...#US #Macro #Risks

5/5 #GlobalTrends - At the center of the #gigeconomy sits #WeWork, already damaged, "#COVID2019 could be the final nail in the coffin" with broader effects on global #CRE sector...#Macro #Risks #US

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