@intel_jakal Profile picture
Have been contemplating online retirement for a while, just waiting for a few predictions to pan out. Looking forward to days of fishing and relaxing.

Apr 8, 2020, 9 tweets

#cryptocapital #gts #RIP . . with much more important things going on. I havent checked my alerts
#globaltradesolutions monitor pulled the pin. Liquidation approved on 26 Feb. The register dates lodgement at 27 Mar. Im a bit rusty on Swiss insolvency law....

but I'd say monitor found no assets, doubt #cryptocapital #panama was revived....pretty hard to recover funds without entities being in good standing let alone being more degrees of seperation than kevin bacon from the $$

Summary of Swiss liquidation process kmu.admin.ch/kmu/en/home/co…

True to form...#ravidyosef #finnovative holdings will be struck off next month without ever having made a filing.

Why am I not suprised that Spiral development (aka GTS resources) is also clearly heading towards being struck off as well. No lodgements and the secretary terminated appointment end of March....


my original scratchings So out of all entities - GTS in liquidation, #cryptocapital struck off, GTS resources which was meant to be holding $300m is on its way to be strruck office. The acquisition by NFM was cancelled.....oh and Rohn Monroe's name has never been corrected

#cryptocapital #gts #wildgoosechase #bitfinex So the chase for the missing millions continues....

search for domains re: Arizona Bank and Trust quickly flagged arizbankandtrust.com as highly unusual. A domain unrelated to the actual bank, hosted on servers in #panama and taken offline mid Feb 2019 (not just the site the actual domain) #smellslike #bank #spoofing

Quite possible that domain was setup for the sole purpose of mimicking arizbank.com so #davidstafford and his #tcabank buddies could move some of the #cryptocapital funds. some data here >> bit.ly/2KeD8dH h/t to offshore alert @DEM_Offshore @OffshoreAlert

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