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Apr 10, 2020, 8 tweets

The racism in China continues. (THREAD)

This first video shows Chinese police not allowing Africans to rest after being kicked out of their homes with no place to go.

This is not an isolated incident.


More Chinese police chasing Africans.

A group of Nigerians have gathered after being kicked out of their homes and hotels where they were staying in China.

The Nigerians claim the Chinese won't allow them to enter any stores and that they are suffering. They are pleading to the world for help.

This situation is the result of #CCP propaganda to make people believe that all new cases of #coronavirus are from foreigners.

"This community is not accepting foreigners, especially black people. If you have rented to a black person...[make] them leave."

Authorities in China are evicting Africans from homes and hotels claiming they brought the #coronavirus into China.

“Foreigners and particularly black people are currently not allowed to access public places including malls, restaurants, and hospitals.”

This short thread 👇 is the story of how a Nigerian college student studying in China is being treated by Chinese authorities.

Note that non-African foreign students in China are not receiving this same treatment. 👇

This African family with a baby is forcibly locked inside their apartment and cannot leave even to buy food for the baby.

How long will the rest of the world allow these human rights abuses and blatant #Racism continue in #China?

#ChinaIsRacist #Chinazi

This Chinese woman describes the recent racism against black people in China.

I think the whole world should see this thread.☝️ Everyone needs to know what is happening in China.

#RacismInChina #Racism #China

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