Tarun Shukla Profile picture
| Author of Sky High : The Untold Story of IndiGo | Award-winning journalist | Senior Editor @EconomicTimes | E : tarun.shukla@timesofindia.com |

Apr 13, 2020, 8 tweets

If govt goes ahead with this idea of only one passenger per row in early days of flights restart, low cost airlines will pretty much have an unwanted business class of sorts. @IndiGo6E @flyspicejet @goairlinesindia @AirAsiaIndian. #new #pangs. #just #imagining.

And that's how you will board your buses for flights. Patience will be a virtue @flyspicejet.

And the steps... #coronavirus #flying

Notice the numbering on steps..

Adding to this thread..

*Not actual image though..I was just doodling

Crop circles come up at airports.

#flying #india #coronavirus.


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