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#IPR Attorney, #Constitutionalist, a Proud #Sanatani, Author of #TheGreatReset, co-author of #TheNewGlobalOrder & Founder of #NitiShastra

Apr 19, 2020, 51 tweets

Several Questions arise on what was the research going on for Development of SARS-CoV2 i.e. Covid-19 or what we call #WuhanCoronavirus or #CCPVirus ! Lets glance through scientific research going through the time lines.

In October 2007,Chinese scientists published a paper in Journal ‘American Association of Laboratory Animal Sciences’ where they claimed to have introduced a human ACE2 (hACE2) gene into mouse & infected them with Sars COV & found virus replicated for efficiently with lung damage.

In April 2010, in a paper coauthored by Shi Zhengli (Batwoman) they say we found several Bata Coronaviruses and tested with Human SARS-CoV Spike Protein using both HIV type based Pseudo types & SARS infection. 2 Bat Cov ACE2 receptors actually helped S Protien Entry entry.

Here in 2013 paper again by Shi Zhengli in the Nature, they talk of finding that two Bat Coronavirus with ACE2 receptors which mimic human Sars-CoV and make receptors bind more efficiently to S Protien. Making it easier for human transmission without an immediate host.

In this research paper of 2015, again co-authored by She Zhengli they said to have ‘Synthetically’ redrived a full length infectious recombinant virus & demonstrate virus replication easily reducing efficacy of anti bodies & vaccine failed to neutralise CoV with Spike Protein

Here is the Indian Study of Genome of the Virus (not peer reviewed) of 31st January 2020 that SARS-CoV has 4 inserts of HIV Glycoproteins HIV-1 gp 120 or HIV-1 gag. Shi Zhengli denounced the study but didnt deny the HIV inserts in the virus

In research paper ‘Wuhan 2019 Coronavirus S Protein may have Furin protease cleavage sites’ dt 14.02.2020 a team at Nankai University in Tianjin, China found genes COVID-19 which did not exist in SARS but can be found in both of the viruses responsible for spreading HIV and Ebola

The virus uses outreaching spike protein to hook on to the host cell, but normally this protein is inactive. The cleavage site structure’s job is to trick the human furin protein, so it will cut & activate spike protein & cause a “direct fusion” of the viral & cellular membranes.

In a follow-up study titled ‘Furin, a therapeutic target for COVID-19’ dt 23rd February 2020, research team led by Professor Li Hua from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, Hubei province, confirmed Ruan’s findings.

The mutation in COVID-19 could not be found in Sars, Mers or Bat-CoVRaTG13, a bat coronavirus that was considered the original source of the new coronavirus with 96 per cent similarity in genes.

This could be “the reason why SARS-CoV-2 is more infectious than other coronaviruses”, Li wrote in the paper. Chinese researchers said drugs targeting furin enzyme could have the potential to hinder the virus’s replication in the human body. These include “a series of HIV-1 drugs

A report “Possible Origins of 2019-nCoV Coronavirus”, published by biologists in China claims the Coronavirus or COVID 19 as known now originated from the Wuhan laboratory and not the nearby sea food market or the bats contesting the official claims of Beijing.

In a recent scientific study published on 15th February 2020 in ‘The Lancnet’, titled “Clinical features of patients infected with Noval Coronavirus in Wuhan, China” stated that, ‘The symptom onset date of the first patient identified was Dec 1, 2019.

None of his family members developed fever or any respiratory symptoms. No epidemiological link was found between the first patient and later cases”. There were no links of spread of infection in many patients in Wuhan from Seafood market.

Now in another Research Paper published on 15th February 2020, shows that nearly 51% of early patients of COVID-19 had no contact with Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan.

Now an article published on 26th March 2020 in the New England Journal of Medicine says incubation period of virus to be 12.5 days in patients before January 1, 2020

If u take the Lancnet study saying Patient Zero was diagnosed on 1st December & NEMJ saying incubation period to 12.5 days to showing symptoms and hospitalisation which means the virus spread began around 17th November 2019.

An infectious disease specialist Daniel Lucy at Georgetown University also reviewed the information that came out in Lancnet papers by Chinese researchers concluded that Human transmission of COVID-19 began in November 2019 much before cluster at Huanan Sea Food Market.

The above scientific research many of which is of scientific origin clearly establishes that Chinese scientists lead by She Zhengli were working on Virology research and how to make Sars-CoV more receptive & binding to Human ACE2 receptors thus making its spread faster in body.

Also that the #WuhanCoronaVirus has genome inserts of HIV Glycoproteins which destroys the immunity of a person to fight the virus which spreads like fire owing to modified Spike Protein binding with human ACE2 receptors in the human cells.

It also suggests the first patient had no epidemiological link to Huanan Sea Food Market of which China is very well aware off & yet in connivance with WHO they denied its human to human transmission as Taiwant email to WHO dt. 31st December 2019 puts it straight on record

This is the truth of #WuhanCoronaVirus based on scientific evidence & research and not on ad hoc conspiracy theories of economic warfare, capturing markets, China is the winner as staple CCP Propaganda put out to hide the truth. End !

Also to add that the fact, #WuhanCoronavirus has exact same genome, amino acid is 100% similiarity in Amino Acids, E Proteins & NSP with Bat coronavirus in a study dt 3rd February 2020 !

Near Exactly similarity in genome make up of COVIDA-19 with Bat Coronavirus, the spike protein activation with ACE2 receptors, the HIV Glycoproteins & the ability of the virus to jump cross species without mutation raises the specter of this virus being reverse Engineered in Labs

And here is Shi Zhengli herself saying in a recent paper dt. 25th February 2020 that Sars CoV i.e. COVID-19 is different in sense from earlier Sars like Coronaviruses, due to weak immune response to S PROTEIN & did not Neutralise HIV Pseudotype with SARS CoV S Protein in COVID-19

Coronavirus could attack immune system like HIV by targeting protective cells. It could rapidly diminish the T Cells in the body that attact with virus & self destructs however in COVID-19 the virus binds with T Cell membrane and disables its function to protect human body.

T Lymphocytes or T Cells remove alien invader viruses from body. Same experiment was conducted on in earlier SARS viruses which did not have the ability to infect Proteins with ACE2 receptors which is less in T Cells.

“More and more people compare it to HIV,” said the Beijing doctor who requested not to be named due to the sensitivity of the issue. The gene behind the fusion function in Sars-CoV-2 was not found in other coronaviruses in human or animals.

In a recent publication in February 2020 Chen Yongwen & his colleagues at the PLA’s Institute of Immunology warned that the number of T cells could drop significantly in Covid-19 patients, especially when they were elderly or required treatment in intensive care units.

In reports of March & April 2020 Chen Yongwen & his collegues at PLA Institute of Immunology, General Hospital of Central Theatre Command, Department of Pathology of PLA; stated that Human Kideny is a direct target for COVID-19. It also affects the heart, spleen & lymph nodes.

In another study by Chinese researchers it was found that this virus attacks Heme Metabolism of the Haemoglobin to dislocate the Iron reducing the capacity of it to carry oxygen to blood leading to Lungs Malfunctioning with CO2 levels & ultimately leading to Hypoxia.

This study also indicates that COVID-19 can also binds directly with the human cells with help of E2 glycoproteins & Envelope Protiens binding through Porphyrins. And the way to stop binding is use of Favipiravir & Hyrdroxychloroquine.

Here is another paper co-authored by published on 18th March 2020 by Chinese scientists with aid of Shi Zhengli saying that Hydroxylchloroquine a less toxic derivative of Chloroquine is effective in inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 this infection in vitro.

Hydroxylchloroquine works by stopping the binding process of the virus to human cells, thus preventing disclocation of Heme from Hemoglobin in a way preventing Hypoxia & other morbid lung complications due to this process. HCQ with Azithromycin & Zinc r effective in early stages.

Above series of tweets clearly prove how infectious & fatal this virus is to human, it not only destroys immunity but also dislocates Hemoglobin, Cardiac & Renal failures, lung damage, hypoxia, cytokine storms. This a prefect virus that probably leaked out of Wuhan lab in China.

Latest swiss study published in Lancnet suggest that SARS-CoV-2 infection facilitates the induction of endotheliitis in several organs as a direct consequence of viral involvement (as noted with presence of viral bodies) and of the host inflammatory response in Blood Vessels.

In another recent research dt. 7th March 2020 it shows that Anti Viral treatment on COVID-19 patients diminishes the immune system decreasing amount of T Cells & Lymphocytes essential for a functional immune system.

Abother study says SARS CoV2 infects T Lymphocytes through its Spike Protein mediated membrane fusion much like HIV. But questions remained whether it could replicate itself in HIV or is abortive remained inconclusive.

A new preliminary report suggests that COVID-19 traces found in Particulate Matter (PM) in Air in Bergamo in Northern Italy. Explains why China was disinfecting its streets with machines as the virus can stick around with pollution as well.

And now a research says Virus can aldo spread through faecal transmission. Many patients in China were tested for rectal swabs apart from oral/nasal swabs and tested poistive again thru rectal swabs. Even Shi Zhengli in her February 2020 paper states China testing both swabs.

Here is Shi zhengli paper of 07.02.2020 suggesting molecular & even serological investigation of COVID-19 infected patients. They found more Anal Swabs, Blood Tests testing positive rather Anal Swabs tested more positive in later stage of infection suggesting Viral shedding.

Now this Paper in February 2020 by Shi Zhengli, she discusses how Spike Protein in COVID-19 binds with ACE2 receptors with Human cells. Also emphasises that most potent SARS-CoV specific Anti Bodies fail to neutralise the binding of S Portein with ACE2 receptors in COVID-19.

Something which makes this virus, its S Protien more potent than earlier coronavirus. However it identifies that CR-3022 anti body had far more effect in stopping the binding the process which makes it likely candidate for therapeutic candidate for vaccines & treatment of COVID19

After reading so much about what this virus & its origins, pathology i come to a conclusion that #WuhanCoronaVirus is a #DesignerVirus designed perfectly at #Wuhan labs in China.

One last addition of Smell & Taste sense dysfunction in patients with COVID-19

And then there are Research papers which how COVID-19 affects Brain causing respiratory failures, nervous system and even lead to diseases like Meningitis & Encephalitis.

Also how COVID-19 is leading to Skin Rashes, Chill Burns & other skin issues discussed as common side affect. Ratio in Italy for Skin Infection was 20% i.e. 18 patients of 88 patients sampled for clinical research by Skin Specialists

Basically SARS-Coronvirus 2 or COVID-19 attacks every part of your body on getting infected and it depends on person immune system on strong the fight is against this virus. In this case under underlying disease(s) or condition becomes critical for survival.

Had written on Coronavirus infecting Endothelial cells by directly attacking them through ACE2 receptor leading to inflamation in Blood Vessels ! New research in American Journal of Cardiology says infection of Endothelial cells likely cause of Thrombosis

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