Keith Pereira MD, #VIrad Profile picture
Vascular Interventional Specialist @SLU_VIR | Surgery but #WithoutAScalpel, a BestKeptSecret in Medicine | Dad to 👸👸🫅|Tweets my own

May 11, 2020, 11 tweets

“What the eye doesn't see and the mind doesn’t accept, DOES EXIST!”

👇 picture of the hands of Thomas Edison’s assistant. Later died from Cancer due exposure to the same ‘invisible’ X-Ray radiation

Why are we discussing this in 2020, during #Covid_19 ?


Radiation is not visible to the human eye and neither is Coronavirus.

The size of the virus is about 0.1 um, smaller than a red blood cell and even some bacteria

Both can have devastating effects , if we do not protect ourselves


#Covid_19 can be transmitted by droplets >5 µm which can quickly form aerosols ≤5 µm.

Besides the well-known transmission by coughing and sneezing, the virus can be transmitted even during SPEECH….in fact the louder you speak, more are chances of transmission..


Why is this virus much worse than previous respiratory infections like SARS-1?

The virus resides in your throat (not lungs): easily coughed out

Asymptomatic carriage is strong and consistent: You can get the virus even when the other person has NO SYMPTOMS! 😱


Enter 😷- Home-made-masks

Medical masks (protect yourself) are different from Home made masks (protect others)

Home-made-masks are great for 'source control' by blocking large droplets as they are emitted in coughing and talking before they are aerosolised


Wearing masks doesn't protect me, but others around me- So ⁉️

An infection has R0-transmission rate
R0=1 one person infects one other person
R0<1 infection dies out

Modelling suggests: A mask 60% effective and worn by 60% people will reduce R0 to <1.0



What is the scientific evidence that Universal masking works?- Unfortunately no RCT's- impractical

SEIR and Agent Based Models showing value of Universal masking



Real life experiences shows value of universal masking

Every country where mask-wearing introduced as national policy (+other measures), rates of transmission fell in the subsequent days @nytimes

Story of two European neighbors Austria and Czechia @trishgreenhalgh


Economic value of universal masking:

"The benefits of each additional cloth mask worn by the public are conservatively in the $3,000-$6,000 range due to their impact in slowing the spread of the virus"



As a physicians and Interventional specialist, we deal with radiation everyday and now #COVID_19. WE all wear lead shields to protect ourselves and #N95 while saving YOUR lives

Please 🙏 do us a favor:

Wear your masks!-Protect yourselves and Your #HealthcareHeroes




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