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May 15, 2020, 19 tweets

Watching JAWS, a movie about local politicians who refuse to shut down summer beaches despite imminent danger. 🦈

The townspeople are NOT happy. #JAWS 🦈

Yes, mama. They knew your little boy was at risk all along. #JAWS 🦈…

Mr. Grumpy Pants Politician, insistent on opening the beaches, claims the scientist is only issuing warnings because he wants fortune and fame. #JAWS πŸ„ 🦈

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were angry the beaches closed. πŸ™„
βœ” Pressured to reopen beaches
βœ” Beaches reopened
βœ” Danger appeared, as expected
βœ” Personally affected, so NOW they're scared. #JAWS 🦈

Me, on Facebook just 4 days ago: "Some folks won't believe #COVID19 is real until they die from it." #JAWS 🦈…

Class conflict, too?! This movie has EVERYTHING. #JAWS 🦈

AAAAAHHH!!!! They underestimated the threat. #JAWS 🦈

Hahaha!! 🦈 πŸ˜‚ 🦈 πŸ˜‚πŸ¦ˆ πŸ˜‚

The dude just tried to SHOOT the shark. With a gun. Didn't work. Who woulda thunk it? Guns don't solve everything. #JAWS 🦈

Fear reigns. Everyone's frantically talking about how to fix the problem. No one's listening to each other or being rational. #JAWS 🦈

Oh, great. Turns out the man in charge of the whole operation is a narcissist? He just made everything WORSE and put the others in even MORE danger. #JAWS 🦈

FUUUUUCK. The other dude is cleaning up the narcissist's mess, putting his own life in danger. #JAWS 🦈

Wait, wait. Waaaaiiit. I spoke too soon.

The narcissist eventually goes down. #JAWS 🦈

Guns make a reappearance. Because: USA! USA! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ. #JAWS 🦈

And there's an explosion?
With BLOOD???
(Because: USA? USA? πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ)

#Relateable #JAWS 🦈

βœ” Killed the shark
βœ” Started a new bromance
βœ” Ended toxic masculinity
βœ” ... And swam back to safety with seagulls.
#TheEnd #JAWS 🦈

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