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storyteller, dog mom, taco lover. reporter with @cbcottawa send story tips to rachelle.elsiufi@cbc.ca DMs are open

Jun 6, 2020, 21 tweets

Big crowds at #BLM rally in #yeg

Wow organizers say there are more than 10-thousand people here. #BLM #blmyeg #yeg

Some protesters offering hand sanitizer!! #BLM #yeg

protesters making more signs. #BLM #yeg

I’ve never seen so many people here. #BLM #yeg

So many protestors here are wearing masks. #BLM #yeg

Chanting “Black Lives Matter!” #yeg #BLM

This is what protesting during a pandemic looks like. #BLM #yeg #BLMyeg

Taking a knee & holding their fists up in honour of #GeorgeFloyd #BLM #yeg

A simple human moment: a volunteer offering hand sanitizer & giving out masks. #BLM #yeg #BLMyeg

Volunteers offering hand sanitizer AND snacks. #BLM #yeg #blmyeg

Black man holding a sign that reads “Black Lives Matter. Am I next?” #blacklivesmatter #BLM #yeg #blmyeg

“Apologizes are not enough! We demand action!” #BLM #blmyeg #yeg

The crowd just keeps on growing. #BLM #BLMyeg #yeg

You can feel the emotion with each chant. #BLM #blacklivesmatter #BLMyeg #yeg

Chanting “I can’t breathe” in honour of #GeorgeFloyd #BLM #BLMyeg #yeg

This #blmyeg rally is suppose to end in less than 15 mins. #BLM #yeg

Police are here but they’re hanging back. So far #blmyeg rally has been peaceful #BLM #yeg

This. A Black man asks police for a pictures. he says “this is what we are fighting for” #blacklivesmatteryeg #BLM #blmyeg #yeg

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