World Health Organization (WHO) Profile picture
We are the #UnitedNations’ health agency - #HealthForAll. Always check our latest tweets for updated advice/information Support WHO:

Jun 8, 2020, 12 tweets

Stay informed on the latest information about #COVID19 from trusted sources.

Try WHO WhatsApp service

Start by typing ‘hi’.


WHO Health Alert on #COVID19 is also on Messenger


Stay informed and get accurate information about #Coronavirus!

ℹ️ Get latest & accurate information about #COVID19 with WHO Viber interactive chatbot.

Available in multiple languages


Stay connected with your loved ones during #COVID19: Send air high five 👋 & celebrate our medical heroes 👩‍⚕️🧑‍⚕️ using WHO-@WhatsApp 'Together At Home' sticker pack!


Say “Thank you!” with WHO-Viber Medical Superheroes sticker pack to show your appreciation for #HealthWorkers who are working around the clock in time of #COVID19!



Share the “Do the Five to stop the spread of #coronavirus” filter and stickers with your friends on
@Snapchat !

And subscribe to WHO on Snapchat


Make your own avatar using @genies & support WHO’s #StaySafe initiative with personalized stickers you can use on messaging & social media!

To make your Genie, simply download the Genies app from App Store and Android

#COVID19 #coronavirus

Make your own avatar using @genies and spread WHO’s #HealthyAtHome
messages with personalised stickers that you can use on messaging & social media!

To make your own, simply download the Genies app from App Store or Play Store.

#COVID19 #coronavirus

False information on #COVID19 is spreading & putting people in danger. Make sure to double-check everything you hear against trusted sources. For accurate information on #coronavirus find official advice from your country's public health authority & WHO!

WHO has joined forces with the #UnitedKingdom 🇬🇧 government to run “Stop The Spread”, an awareness campaign about the risks of incorrect and false information regarding the #COVID19 pandemic

The @Minions & Gru are supporting WHO in making sure people of all ages stay safe and healthy during this #COVID19 pandemic:

💛 physically distancing
💛 being active at home
💛 being kind to each other

Wash your hands for 40 seconds and sing along "Wash Wash Wash Your Hands" with @peppapig and and her friends, Rebecca Rabbit and Mr Badger!

Washing your hands can help to stop the spread of #COVID19

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