Benjamin Strick Profile picture
Investigations Director @Cen4infoRes. Past BBC & @Bellingcat. Tutorials: OSINT/GEOINT. Views = own.

Jun 15, 2020, 7 tweets

Demonstrators shot at by security forces today in the town of #Tinzaouten (تين زاوتين) on the border of #Mali and #Algeria. Screenshots geolocated to this intersection in the west-side of the town, here:…

Footage below shows this intersection:… in Tinzaouten, #Algeria. At least one civilian on the ground, not moving.

Footage of reinforcement security forces - more gunshots heard. Same intersection here:… next to مسجد مولاي المرتجي mosque.

Photos posted from Tinzaouten (تين زاوتين) claim live ammunition was used against protestors. H/T @mohamedzitout for 📸

More security present and tighter borders between Mali/Algeria given recent conflict with AQ in the area. NOTE: close to Tinzaouten was where French operation killing AQIM leader Abdelmalek #Droukdel earlier this month:

#Tinzaouten's double-layer barbed wire wall appears to have been destroyed subsequent to the protests. This acted as a perimeter between the town and the #Algeria/#Mali border. These are screenshots of local footage, geolocated to here:…

In June 15 protests in #Tinzaouten (تين زاوتين) on border of #Mali and #Algeria footage from alt. angle shows young male that was shot. Protestors attempted to assist but were pushed back by Algerian security forces. Male subsequently died. Body was here:…

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