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We’re the oldest and largest legal organization fighting for #LGBTQ+ people and everyone living with #HIV. Basically, we are your lawyers.

Jun 17, 2020, 13 tweets

🚨 The Trump administration announced a sweeping rule Friday seeking to roll back nondiscrimination protections in health care for #trans people & others.
✍️ Add YOUR name to this petition calling on @HHSGov and @SecAzar to #StopTheRule!

📢 JOIN US! YOU can take action against the @realDonaldTrump administration's harmful anti-#LGBTQ health care rule!
🕒 IN 24 HOURS @LambdaLegal is delivering your signatures right to @HHSGov in DC. Sign on now! #StopTheRule

The cruelty is the point.

This health care rule serves LITERALLY no purpose other than to target and discriminate against communities already vulnerable to disparities in health care!

☎️ @SecAzar: 202-690-7000 #StopTheRule

🏦 The Supreme Court JUST ruled that #LGBTQ people are protected from sex discrimination under the Civil Rights Act.

The new rule inviting discrimination in health care looks (even more) absurd right now.

Tell @HHSGov and @SecAzar to #StopTheRule:

According to @amprog: 29% of #transgender people have experienced discrimination in health care.

18% of #LGBTQ people report avoiding visits to the doctor out of fear of discrimination.

This rule will only make those numbers worse. #StopTheRule

Black people already experience significant disparities in health care.
This rule will only INCREASE injustice in the health care setting, inviting the most harm on Black trans people & others who hold multiple marginalized identities. #StopTheRule…

Let @HHSGov know: Their relentless attacks on our health care – including life-saving care for LGBTQ people, and transgender people in particular – are unacceptable. #StopTheRule!

The people of our nation are out in the streets demanding justice right now, in the middle of a global pandemic.
The Trump Administration is choosing injustice over health through @SecAzar and @HHSGov, inviting discrimination in health care. #StopTheRule:

🚨 6/12/20: The @realDonaldTrump administration announced an incredibly harmful rule attempting to roll back nondiscrimination protections in health care. It will be published 6/19. Take action right now to protect our care! #StopTheRule 🚨

Transgender people and people of color in particular already face elevated rates of discrimination in health care.
✅ Section 1557 of the ACA protects them [from discrimination]
❌ HHS is trying to undermine that. #StopTheRule
☎️ @SecAzar NOW: 202-690-7000

Revised 1557 health care rule invites discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

But Monday’s SCOTUS ruling DESTROYS the Trump administration’s bogus legal “justifications” for doing so.

Tell @HHSGov that we need to #StopTheRule!
☎️ @SecAzar: 202-690-7000

On Thursday 6/18 at 4pm, @LambdaLegal & friends will deliver the signatures on this petition to the doorstep of @HHSGov.

➡️ Add your name NOW to take a stand and #StopTheRule attacking our health care!

Defend health care access for:

➡️ LGBTQ people
➡️ women
➡️ people with limited English proficiency
➡️ disabled people
➡️ people in need of reproductive care
➡️ and others!

Tell @HHSGov to #StopTheRule!

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