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garrison davis, chaos magick appreciator. writer for It Could Happen Here and other @coolzonemedia shows.

Jun 22, 2020, 24 tweets

At the Justice Center, Sunday 6/21. About 50 people in the area. Police officers came out and tried to convince the people to exit the streets and stay in the park. #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #justicecenter #sacredfence #portland

One change for today is that the front of the Justice Center is completely boarded up. There are at least two small doors for police to get in and out of. #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter  #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #justicecenter #sacredfence #portland

Police on the LRAD commanding protesters exit the street or be subject to arrest and use the force. There are approximately 30 people on the street. #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter    #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #justicecenter #sacredfence #portland

Police also showed up in front of the Justice Center and start arresting people. #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter     #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #justicecenter #sacredfence #portland

Police trying to keep people in the park because they were blocking the street. The police are now currently blocking the street. #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter     #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #justicecenter #sacredfence #portland

Police continue to block traffic and the crowd chants “Quit your job!” #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter     #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #justicecenter #sacredfence #portland

Police head out for now, but warn if you return to street you’re subject to arrest. #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter     #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #justicecenter #sacredfence #portland

People almost immediately went back into the street. There is some dispute among the protesters if they should stay in the street or go to the park. Police on the LRAD are commanding people to go to the park.

The crowd has mostly left the streets and is either on the sidewalk or in the park. #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter     #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #justicecenter #sacredfence #portland

Lots of riot police stationed behind the Justice Center. #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter     #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #justicecenter #sacredfence #portland

A motorcycle drive-by from a few minutes ago. The vibe here is just...odd? Some people really trying to keep everyone in the park. #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter      #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #justicecenter #sacredfence #portland

The people at the park marched down in front of the Portland Police Bureau entrance. #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter      #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #justicecenter #sacredfence #portland

Police on the LRAD saying to not “tamper with doors to the Justice Center” also telling the protesters to not block traffic. #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter  #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #justicecenter #sacredfence #portland

Riot police have showed up, even though most people were out of the street. #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter      #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #justicecenter #sacredfence #portland

A group of police trying to get people to go west back to the park. #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #justicecenter #sacredfence #portland

The police are claiming they needed to clear the streets because someone inside the building needed emergency medical attention. An ambulance showed up but drove away without anyone getting in or out.

Police now saying the sidewalk on the west side of 2nd Ave is closed, commanding people to leave and threatening them with arrest and use of force if they don’t. #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter      #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #justicecenter #sacredfence #portland

There is some internal conflict with the protesters about How much they should listen to the police’s orders. #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter  #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #justicecenter #sacredfence #portland

The police continue to order the crowd to stay in the park. Most of the group has moved to the park, others have just left. The crowd is definitely shrinking in part due to conflicts between protesters.

Tonight felt weird compared to previous nights. The crowd was smaller, and there were way more disagreements about protest tactics.

No real clear stated goals & there was real odd energy & contradictory messaging from some people trying to lead the protest tonight. The leaders were much more complacent to the Police’s demands compared to the last few weeks. 2/2

Looks like the Police are up to something, tune into @TheRealCoryElia

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