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Building the largest network of profitable farmers across Africa!

Jun 24, 2020, 7 tweets

Nothing warms our heart more than knowing that the lives of our local farmers in our #farmer communities are being impacted positively and transformed for the better.

We’ve got thousands of stories and none of this would happen without you.
#ThriveAgric #agriculture

This Elizabeth Yakubu, aka Mama Bethar.

She is one of the 20,000 maize farmers we worked with on our maize project in Kaduna state and it is humbling to see how far she has come.

Elizabeth talks about how work used to be tedious and her harvest didn’t measure up.

This meant less profits that didn’t make the next farming season worth going into optimistically.

Our work is firmly rooted in the belief that powering farmer communities is how we can drive financial prosperity for farmers at scale.

You'd be surprised how much the very little things can go in capturing better value for local farmers.

So how did we make this possible?

Providing credit financing for her in inputs (seeds, fertilizers, and agrochemicals like herbicides and pesticides to help with weed and pest attacks).

Our work with Elizabeth did not just stop there and as with other farmers.

We also assigned supervisors to her who monitored the health, growth, and yield of her crops throughout the farming season and gave her relevant tips to help her maintain her yield through the cycle.

After the farming cycle, Elizabeth doubled her yield from the previous year.
Elizabeth's story is one of many that drive us to do more for farmer communities.

Follow our journey as we build a food secure Africa by supporting local farmer communities in Nigeria.

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