Magilla Gorilla 39 Profile picture
I temporarily live at Mr. Peeble's Pet Shop, but I am hoping to get a permanent home soon. I'm a focused gorilla detective. Tick, Tock Manitowoc. Tick, Tock.

Jun 24, 2020, 15 tweets

(1) @GeoRebekah, aka Rebekah Jones, accuses Florida Governor Desantis government of deleting cases of #COVID19 from the FL DOH database.

(2) Earlier, Gov. DeSantis also gave a misleading presentation on Deaths in Florida by highlighting incomplete data.

(3) The chart implied Florida Deaths had dropped to near zero on May 13th.

The data behind the plot was actually incomplete for the last two weeks, creating the apparent, but false, downward trend.

(4) When the data filled, the death rate for 5/13 rose from 10 per day to 40 per day, only slightly lower than their apex.

(5) My Excess Natural Deaths (XND) analysis for Florida had shown that they were badly underreporting #COVID19 deaths due to misattribution of the Cause of Death. Actual Florida deaths are roughly twice what the state reported.

(6) The Rebekah Jones scandal broke about a month ago, when she was forced out of her job for not obeying instructions on how to control access to and modify the Florida Dept. of Health COVID19 dashboard.

(7) Rebekah found sponsorship and put up a Community Dashboard to keep the public informed.

(7) Rebekah found outside support and put up a Florida Community COVID19 dashboard, available here.…

(8) That portal displays this warning regarding data from the Florida Dept. of Health (FL DOH).

(9) Here is the current Florida Department of Health data for Deaths attributed to COVID-19.

The last 2w from 6/09 to 6/23 are incomplete.

The last likely-full value is 28 death per day on 6/08.

Also, the value for 5/13, which Gov. DeSantis displayed as 10, has become 41.

(10) Of course Deaths lag Exposures by a average of 21 days, so the death count on 6/08 will correlate with exposures on 5/13.

The state reopened on 5/04. All the events from 5/14 to today are yet to be reflected.

(11) On May 18th, the Confirmed Cases count in Florida was plateaued at 750-900 cases per day, which corresponds to the 28 deaths per day we now see in the Daily Deaths plot for 5/13.

Since that time Confirmed Cases have quadrupled to 3,000-3,600 cases per day.

(12) At the present moment, Florida is setting a record for Daily Deaths, reporting 5,511 so far today. Daily Deaths have risen to 45 per day, but could be near 150 per day when the value corresponds to today's case counts.

(13) The worst outbreak in the US was in NYC. On its peak day, the state of New York reported ~12,000 new cases, but the 7d avg peaked at ~9,000.

Florida has reached ~60% of that level, still rising.

New York had already locked down.

Florida, don't hide statistics. Wake up!

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