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garrison davis / writer + host for It Could Happen Here on @coolzonemedia / hrtwink / new article ⬇️

Jun 28, 2020, 41 tweets

Day 32 of protests in Portland Oregon. We already have the beginnings of a barricade starting to form on Main Street, in front of the Justice Center. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter  #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

People have been getting the materials for the barricades from this big hole a few blocks away from the Justice Center. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter  #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

First time I’ve seen barricades like this set up by protesters at the Justice Center. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

The Portland Police Bureau have tried making announcements on the LRAD twice now, but it keeps cutting out very early on into their announcement. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter  #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

The police are telling people to get off the road & onto the sidewalk, & saying not to block the street with cables or barricades.

A little late for that last one.
#sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter  #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

A protester with a megaphone noted- “We outnumber the police, they’re scared of us.”

Police continue to order people to exit the road. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter  #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

Took a walk around the block and saw one undercover car pull into the police garage. Didn’t see any other police. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter  #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

A prisoner in the Justice Center flashes their cell lights in support of the protest, we’ve seen this a few times the past month. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter  #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

Police on LRAD have now declared an unlawful assembly and are threatening arrest and saying “Riot control agents will be used in this area.” #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter   #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

Most officers do not have gas masks on at this moment. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter   #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

Police have advanced and used munitions, pepper spray, and stun grenages. Videos soon. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter   #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

Here is the police initiating violence at tonight‘s protest in Portland. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter   #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

After this flash bang was thrown, the person hit fell down and laid unresponsive on the ground. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter   #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

Police removing some barricades and pointing their guns at a non-violent crowd. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter   #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

Police starting to fall back, there is still a huge crowd of protesters. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter   #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

Police using teargas (heard it may be the CN type) while they simply retreat back east. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter   #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

Tear gas filling the streets of Portland as the police retreat. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter   #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #teargas #teargasted

These four people have been attacking and pepper spraying protesters. One of them is wearing a half skull mask.

They tried to get away from the crowd by entering a 7/11.

Back at the Justice Center, still a few hundred people here. Someone takes down the American Flag hanging outside. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter    #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

A small fight broke out in the 7/11 about an hour ago with the flag mask guy. Police were very quick to the scene. The group of people that was pepper spraying folks (skull mask guy and flag mask guy, plus two others) were escorted to the Max station by police.

A few minutes ago at the Justice Center, protesters hoisted up a Black Lives Matter sign on the flagpole. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

A lot of new spray paint on the Justice Center tonight. Around 150 people still here. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter  #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

Some police officers approached the protesters on the east side of the building. An officer points his gun right at me while I video from a distance. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter   #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

Police barge out of their door in response to someone spray painting their window. They start to attack someone who was not involved. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter  #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

Riot police arrive and charge then tackle non-violent protesters. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter  #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

A mob of police surrounding an officer that is arresting someone that got tackled by the police. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter  #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

A few officers charge after someone and head towards the park. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter   #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

While taking someone arrested into the Justice Center, Police fire on the crowd in response to a plastic water bottle being thrown at the curb. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter   #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

On the east side of the Justice Center, the police attempt to literally push people westward. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter   #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

The Portland Police continue to charge and push people west, away from the Justice Center. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter   #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

The police form a line and hold it for about 10 minutes. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter   #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

Some type of gas or smoke is thrown into the crowd, then the police drive off. It definitely wasn’t “just smoke,” it had a distinct spicy feel. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter   #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

Here’s some pictures of one recovered canister. Anyone more familiar with CS/OC/CN feel free to watch the video above & tell me what you think it is based on how the gas/smoke looks. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #teargas #teargasted #PDXprotests #pdx

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