Ed O'Keefe Profile picture
@CBSNews Senior White House & Political Correspondent. https://t.co/OS6x3WVmdQ https://t.co/NkQH8qdks0 https://t.co/fIYql9nwzD

Jun 28, 2020, 8 tweets

NEW FROM @CBSNewsPoll: President Trump’s handling of the #CoronavirusPandemic hits a new low in @CBSNews polling.

The poll finds 62% of Americans think the country’s dealing with #Coronavirus is “Going Badly” — also a new high.

And 76% if Americans think things in America today are going badly.

ALSO NEW from @CBSNewsPoll:
A majority of the American public, including more than half of whites, say they agree with the ideas expressed by the Black Lives Matter movement.

We also asked if Confederate statues should be removed from public places and if all statues of historical figures should be considered for removal. 3 in 4 Democrats want Confederate statues removed, while more than eight in 10 Republicans want them to remain. Age matters, too.

Democrats mostly would reconsider other figures for statues, depending on what those figures did in their lives, while Americans overall are much less likely to back this idea. 41% of Americans think statues of all historical figures should be considered for potential removal.

READ FOR YOURSELF the full @CBSNewsPoll on how Americans think the response to the #Coronavirus is going: cbsnews.com/news/coronavir…

AND READ FOR YOURSELF the new @CBSNewsPoll findings on growing support for the #BlackLivesMattters movement: cbsnews.com/news/black-liv…

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