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Oxfam is a world-wide development organization that mobilizes the power of people against poverty. #TheFutureisEqual

Jun 29, 2020, 5 tweets

Syria's people have suffered 10 devastating years of war. Now they face both spreading hunger & #COVID19.

Oxfam joins international agencies calling for global leaders at this week's #SyriaConf2020 to scale up lifesaving aid urgently.


A staggering 9.3 million Syrians are now going to sleep hungry and +2m more are at risk of a similar fate. #Covid19 restrictions, the collapse of the Syrian pound, and the displacement of millions of people are a disastrous combination.

#SyriaConf2020 must step up support now.

“Bread has become a luxury we can’t afford."
- Najwa, Rural Damascus, Syria

Faced with war & #coronavirus, unless funding and humanitarian access are increased, many Syrians will be pushed to the brink of starvation.

New blog 👉🏾 oxf.am/2Zie1xR


In Syria's northwest, a Turkey-Russia mediated ceasefire faces bleak fate, with fighting & aerial bombardments reported since May. Home to +4m people, many displaced multiple times, Idlib & northern Aleppo face possible catastrophe if Covid19 hits.

“These seedlings and seeds saved us. Had we not received them, our only option would have been to sell a part of our land to survive.”

Faced with war & #coronavirus, Syrians are stuck between a rock and a hard place, as hunger looms.

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