Oxfam International Profile picture
Oxfam is a world-wide development organization that mobilizes the power of people against poverty. #TheFutureisEqual
Jul 25, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
#Brazil shines again, on the path to a fairer future! 🌿

Under Brazil’s leadership, @g20org just published a Ministerial Declaration on International Tax Cooperation.

Here is why it matters: #G20 countries are home to nearly 4/5 of the world’s billionaires - and globally, billionaires have been paying next to nothing in taxes, legally.

This is how they do it:

Sep 22, 2020 7 tweets 7 min read
75 years ago, @UN was founded to unite the world to confront the challenges facing all of humanity. With growing inequality, climate crisis, #COVID19, toxic nationalism, and ongoing conflict - it is clear that the promise of the UN remains as important as ever. #UN75 We celebrate the @UN #UN75. Its humanitarian efforts have saved lives, it has brokered and kept peace in conflict areas around the world, promoted #HumanRights, and created & championed an agenda for sustainable development. #PeaceDay #GlobalGoals Image
Sep 17, 2020 5 tweets 5 min read
UPDATE: A small group of rich nations - representing just 13% of world population - have bought up MORE THAN HALF the supply of leading #COVID19 vaccine contenders.

Time for a #PeoplesVaccine - free for everyone, everywhere.

👉🏾 oxf.am/33BUEC0 Image Access to a life-saving vaccine shouldn’t depend on where you live or how much money you have. ✊🏽✊🏾✊🏼
#PeoplesVaccine #COVID19

oxf.am/33BUEC0 Image
Sep 9, 2020 7 tweets 6 min read
BREAKING: #Coronavirus pandemic profits for companies soar by billions more as the world's poorest people pay price. 🚨

👉🏾👉🏿👉🏼 oxf.am/3iezJLl

#InequalityVirus Image As the #COVID19 pandemic hits 6 months, close to a million people have lost their lives.

And the economic fallout has been devastating too: 400 million jobs lost & half a billion people expected to be pushed into poverty.

But not everyone is losing out.

oxf.am/cashing-in-on-… Image
Sep 3, 2020 5 tweets 6 min read
BEIRUT: One month since the #BeirutBlast killed over 180 people, injured more than 6,500 and displaced some 300,000 residents... and still thousands of people simply can’t afford a front door.

#COVID19 #Inequality #Lebanon Image In fact, a single front door in #Beirut currently costs 2 months’ worth of a minimum-wage salary...

Lebanon's longstanding inequality, massive inflation & now #COVID19 have compounded this humanitarian disaster.

#BeirutExplosion Image
Jun 29, 2020 5 tweets 5 min read
Syria's people have suffered 10 devastating years of war. Now they face both spreading hunger & #COVID19.

Oxfam joins international agencies calling for global leaders at this week's #SyriaConf2020 to scale up lifesaving aid urgently.

oxf.am/31fBnGW Image A staggering 9.3 million Syrians are now going to sleep hungry and +2m more are at risk of a similar fate. #Covid19 restrictions, the collapse of the Syrian pound, and the displacement of millions of people are a disastrous combination.

#SyriaConf2020 must step up support now. Munzer*, 71, is a farmer. H...
Jun 25, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
Women are working and worrying more, while earning and sleeping less.

New survey report out today 👉🏾 oxf.am/3hWS4gl

#InequalityVirus #HowICare Image The #coronavirus care workload continues to fall disproportionately on women – particularly those from ethnic & racial minorities, those living in poverty and in communities without access to basic infrastructure and services.
#HowICare Image
Jun 18, 2020 7 tweets 7 min read
Close to half of women are feeling more anxious, depressed, isolated, overworked or ill because of increased unpaid care work caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

New survey out today 👉🏾 oxf.am/2Y9sFYL
with @MenCareGlobal @Promundo_US
#InequalityVirus #HowICare Image The #coronavirus care workload continues to fall disproportionately on women – particularly those from ethnic & racial minorities, those living in poverty and in communities without access to basic infrastructure and services. oxf.am/2Y9sFYL #HowICare Image
Jun 12, 2020 9 tweets 8 min read
#Coronavirus has already cost hundreds of thousands of lives and could force half a billion people into poverty. We're working tirelessly to prevent the spread of the virus, and pushing governments to do their part. An update on our #COVID19 response 👉🏾 oxf.am/2Yq9TeM Together, we have reached over 4.5m people so far in our #COVID19 humanitarian response. We aim to reach 14m people by raising €100m. Thank you to everyone supporting this effort! ❤️
Mar 13, 2020 5 tweets 5 min read
In the face of a global pandemic, it doesn’t matter where you come from, how rich or poor you are, or your cultural background. #Covid_19 reminds us: we all deserve to be treated equally and have the same basic rights including universal access to healthcare & #paidsickleave 1/5 Image We're working with partners, governments & UN agencies in 65 countries to determine how best to respond to #Covid_19 crisis. Given our expertise in public health & sanitation, we're deeply concerned about impacts in poor countries with weak public health systems. 2/5 Image
Feb 7, 2020 4 tweets 11 min read
#FridayFeeling throwback to a beautiful moment of solidarity from last month's #SayEnoughAsia Skillshop where campaigners & activists from across Asia shared strategies on countering backlash, building inclusive movements & bringing their A-game to campaigning to end #VAWG ✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼 Image @outragemag @jyotsnasarah @bodyanddata @vow_media @SexBodyRights @Hidden_Pockets @dalitwomenfight @oxfamph @OxfamInAsia @gopikabashi Inclusive & intersectional movement building is something “we should always, always remember.”

Check out Aaron Bonete's @outragemag @BahaghariCenter reflections on the recent #SayEnoughAsia Skillshop & importance of keeping marginalized voices heard👇🏾👇🏾
Nov 28, 2019 4 tweets 5 min read
Today we joined delegates from Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico & more at #UNForumBHR urging govts/business to stop the intimidation & killing of #humanrights defenders around the world.

Our partner Puyr Tembé, Brazil "Not one more drop of indigenous blood, demarcation now!" #IMatter Image Oxfam partner Maira Olivo, México at today's #UNForumBHR: "We women have a voice that should be heard and respected." #WomensRights #IMatter @WGBizHRs Image
Nov 22, 2019 4 tweets 4 min read
The Greek government wants to replace refugee camps with detention centers. This is unacceptable. People who have fled war & persecution and are seeking international protection should NOT be put behind bars. 1/4
#WithRefugees #MigrationEU A few years ago, detaining people who have suffered under war and persecution was unthinkable in Europe – now, it has become reality.
The Greek government’s decision to lock up people seeking asylum is simply unacceptable. 2/4
#MigrationEU #RefugeesWelcome Image