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garrison davis, chaos magick appreciator. writer for It Could Happen Here and other @coolzonemedia shows.

Jul 2, 2020, 12 tweets

Reporting in downtown Portland Oregon, 7/01. Once again protesters have taken temporary control of the street in front of the Justice Center. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter    #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

About 200 folks here in the street/park. If lots of action happens I’ll start streaming. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter  #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

The fire in front of the elk statue has definitely grown. The crowd is very slowing growing still. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

A very pretty firework just was sent up into the air above the elk statue. Make that two fireworks.

Relatively quiet still, very little visible police presence. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter   #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

Some of the boards covering the windows of the federal courthouse have been pulled down. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter    #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

Some police have showed up, gonna go live.

Here’s the live stream, a lot of pepper balls and a stun grenade. #sacredfence #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter     #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

The crowd size has shrunk a lot, maybe 100 here tops. And I haven’t seen police in about a hour and a half. #justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

Crowd here is much smaller than I thought. Maybe like 50 behind the baracade. Still no visible police.
#justicecenter #Portlandprotest #portland #blacklivesmatter  #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab

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