gare davis Profile picture
garrison davis / writer + host for It Could Happen Here and other @coolzonemedia shows / hrtwink /

Jul 15, 2020, 22 tweets

Thread for the Tuesday July 14th protests in Portland. I’m currently at Lownsdale Park, across from the Federal Courthouse and Justice Center. #blacklivesmatter #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter

A small march from Pioneer Square just arrived and now is occupying the section of Main Street between the Justice Center and Courthouse .#blacklivesmatter #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter

Live stream talking about the Riot Ribs kitchen!

About 250 people in the parks and street around the Justice Center. Some folks giving speeches on a megaphone. #blacklivesmatter  #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter

A small candle light memorial with flowers for Donavan LaBella, who was shot in the face with a “less lethal” munition on Saturday night. He’s had to undergo facial reconstruction surgery. #blacklivesmatter  #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter

The beginnings of a barricade are starting on Salmon Street. #blacklivesmatter  #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter

A little fire at the former base of the stag statue. About 150-200 people in the area still. #blacklivesmatter   #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter #riotribs #CLAT

Federal Officers have come out to watch the crowd gathering on Morrison in front of the Justice Center. #blacklivesmatter #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter #riotribs #CLAT

Meanwhile the Portland Police Bureau came and dismantled the baracade on Salmon street. #blacklivesmatter #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter #riotribs #CLAT

And they head out. No one was shot with impact rounds or arrested. #blacklivesmatter #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter #riotribs #CLAT

Looks like some of the baracade materials were retrieved beforehand, it is being rebuilt now. There’s also a small trash fire, some people complain about the fire not helping Black Lives Matter. #blacklivesmatter #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #riotribs #CLAT

And the fire has been put out. Someone at one point said “All the people the start fires and shit are the first to run when the cops come.” There are ongoing debates here about that statement. #blacklivesmatter #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #riotribs #CLAT

Here is what has been reconstructed of the barricade so far. It turns out the person that started the fire was with the group people complaining about fires. #blacklivesmatter #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter #riotribs #CLAT

Federal Officers just arrested a person as they were trying to discretely pee. Someone showed me video.

The current state of the barricade on 3rd and Salmon. As people bring in more materials a street medic wonders “Where do people find this stuff?” #blacklivesmatter  #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter #riotribs #CLAT

People dressed like federal officers just pulled up to the park in a gray minivan then grabbed someone and drove off. It happened to quick for me to get footage from where I was.

The crowd is very tense right now.
Here is some footage of what happened.

It appears no one was grabbed in this latest incident. However this matches the description of several separate reported events that have happened tonight when people have been taken.

A lot of Federal Officers showed up and used a lot of teargas. I’ll continue my coverage in a new thread that’ll link here in a few minutes.

Continued coverage featuring federal officers and teargas in this thread.

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