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"Action, like a sacrament, is the visible form of an invisible spirit" (bell hooks) || journalist || campaigner || @amnesty || Easily distracte

Jul 15, 2020, 10 tweets


@Keir_Starmer asks the PM if he has “actually read” the report by the Academy of Medical Sciences on a potential second #COVID19 wave & its recommendations for ‘intense preparation’ throughout July & August.

@BorisJohnson replies: “I am aware of the report.” #PMQs

2. SAGE minutes released on 2 July are an important piece of the #HerdImmunityScandal jigsaw.

They shed light on decisions re: late lockdown, ICU capacity & care homes

They ALSO suggest SAGE has modelled for future waves

We need to SEE this modelling.

3. When @keirstarmer asks the PM if he will implement recommendations set out in theAMS report “in full and at speed”, @BorisJohnson doesn’t commit to do so & quickly moves to talk about NHS investment.

The report warns that, without preparation, 120,00 people could die. #PMQs

4. “It is vital that the govt learns from mistakes that have been made.” @Keir_Starmer #PMQs

Test, track & trace - 4mths late

Face masks - 4mths late

Lockdown - 2wks late

Care home protection - 2mths late

Closing borders - 3mths late

PPE - late


5. KEIR: One of the key recommendations is that testing & tracing needs to be significantly expanded to cope with winter. What assurances will the PM give that the system will be fit for purpose?

PM: Our test & trace system is as good as, or better, than any in the world. #PMQs

6. “Saying everything’s a ‘stunning success’ is kidding no one. It isn’t giving people confidence in the system. They want a PM who says yes there are problems & this is what we’re going to do about them rather than rhetoric about ‘stunning success’ when it’s obviously not true.”

7. In May, @BorisJohnson said: “I don't actually read the scientific papers except in exceptional circumstances, but what I do get is the digest...[Vallance & Whitty] give me the cream of that advice".

It is no surprise that he hasn’t read the AMS report.

8/. I fear that the reason the PM says everything is a "stunning success" & "the right decisions were made at the right time", is b/c this is all part of the govt's plan.

The #HerdImminity strategy requires #COVID19 to spread without overwhelming the NHS.

9/. Newly published SAGE documents show the govt is still chasing "herd immunity" through recurrent waves of #COVID19, rather than trying to suppress #COVID.

They also show that the govt are not just planning for a 2nd wave, but future waves. @NafeezAhmed…

10/. The idea that #COVID19 was “an unexpected & invisible mugger” which we couldn’t have prepared for is STILL repeated by the govt.


Scientists warned us

WHO warned us

Cygnus warned us

Intelligence warned us

Italy gave us a graphic warning

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