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Jul 25, 2020, 5 tweets

#Libya right now refugees in distress at sea. There are ~100 people who escaped from Zwara on a wodden boat. The majority is from #Eritrea — their latest position was communicate to the Italian MRCC #Rome (34.23 12.02). Families have been calling for help.

#Libya right now refugees in distress at sea.
A desperate call from the Central Mediterranean.

~100 people in distress on a wooden boat. They fled Libya in search of safety and protection.

#Libya Yonathan, Samuel, Sami, Munir, Daniel, Fseha & other people from #Eritrea are at serious risk of drowning in #Malta SAR zone.

Their boat is filled up with water, @alarm_phone reported.

#maridive230 offshore vessel chartered by @Shell is very close to their position.

More clearly, under Article 98 UNCLOS, all vessels, be they military or otherwise, have a duty to assist persons in distress at sea if they can safely do so.

Heydar vessel‘s ruote while 95 refugees are left to die in the central Mediterranean.

#Europe today.

#Malta 95 people, including a little one year old baby floated adrift for more than 30 hours in the Mediterranean before the Maltese authorities finally brought them to safety under intense pressure. Pics taken by @darrinzl during disembarkation last Monday.

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