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Covering #Iran & #MidEast, especially what MSM won't Have a passion for exposing Tehran apologists/lobbyists

Aug 4, 2020, 9 tweets

August 4—Isfahan, central #Iran
Workers of a local refinery have joined a campaign in many cities across the country. Activists are calling on all workers of the oil, natural gas & petrochemical industries to join the strikes.

Persian hashtag:

August 4—Southern #Iran
Workers of the South Pars gas field (Phase 14) have joined the nationwide strikes launched by oil, natural gas & petrochemical workers.
Reporters indicate over 10,000 workers are on strike throughout Iran.

August 4—Asaluyeh, S #Iran
South Pars Power Station employees & workers are continuing their strike on this second consecutive day seeking higher paychecks due to rising inflation.

Ahvaz, SW #Iran
Employees at a hospital in Ahvaz on strike, demanding unpaid wages.
These medical professionals have been denied their paychecks & benefits despite their brave effort on the frontlines against Covid-19.

Image: @IranNW

August 4—Shush, SW #Iran
Haft Tappeh Sugarcane Co. workers are continuing their strike for the 51st consecutive day, seeking unpaid paychecks, the return of colleagues fired from work for for protesting & other outstanding issues.

August 4—Asaluyeh, S #Iran
More footage of the strike at the South Pars gas field (Phase 14). Reporters indicate over 10,000 workers are on strike throughout Iran.

August 4—#Iran
-Employees & workers of the Razi petrochemical site in Mahshahr (SW Iran) have joined the nationwide strikes.
-Strike also reported at the combined cycle power plant in Mashhad (NE Iran)

August 4—Asaluyeh, S #Iran
Workers of the South Pars power plant are on strike & demanding higher wages.
Reports indicate workers of combined cycle power plant in Tabriz (NW Iran) & a power plant in Rudshur of Tehran are also on strike.


August 4—#Iran
More reports of strikes
-Workers of the Kushan Steel Co. in Isfahan (central Iran)
-Bus drivers in Qazvin (NW Iran)

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