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Aug 10, 2020, 7 tweets

Mentor-Mentee SCCM CPP Spotlight: Dr. Andrea Newsome Sikora @AndreaSikora

β€œYou should read better books.” πŸ“š

The duality in this statement is a microcosm of mentorship:

You are enough right now & also you are capable of more.

An inspirational thread πŸ‘‡πŸ»#PharmICU

Mentors have double vision. πŸ‘€

Seeing you as you are and may be and celebrate the process of becoming.

Mentors are loyal to the person you are growing into, which reminds Dr. Sikora of Rumi:

β€œIf you are irritated by every rub, how will you be polished?”

We have a personal and professional responsibility to develop mentor-mentee relationships. 🀝

Dr. Sikora states β€œMentorship has been a continuous lesson in the values of loyalty, humility, honesty, gratitude, balance, passion, discipline & integrity.”

Dr. Sikora states she is honed by the balancing of dichotomies required in these complex and formative relationships: clarity with kindness, honesty with patience, disappointment with learning, boldness with vulnerability.

Balance is the πŸ”‘ to success #balance

Dr. Sikora recently wrote ✍️ an essay describing her reflections of both successes & failures.

She states she is a better person for her experiences & finds the process & the individuals involved to be irreplaceable!

She is forever thankful & forever β€˜paying it forward.β€™πŸ‘πŸ»

Thank you @AndreaSikora for sharing your mentorship experience!

If u πŸ‘€ for a mentor to help u navigate the #critcare workforce OR if u a practicing #critcare PharmD looking to serve as a mentor for a new trainee

CPP mentor-mentee program is here for you!

Feel free to direct message @gretchensacha or @Tribidibidy for more information! πŸ“§ #mentoring #twitterx

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