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The planetary energy grid of #NewAtlantis is namely the energy tool that will manifest the Compression Breakthrough, #theEvent and the New Society. —#Cobra

Aug 14, 2020, 11 tweets

May 27, 2014

In #Atlantis, priestesses of the Goddess were gathering in circles of twelve to anchor the energy of peace and harmony.
They were called the #SisterhoodOfTheRose.

They later reemerged in ancient #Egypt as priestesses of Isis, with rose being a sacred symbol of the #GoddessIsis.
In the time of Crusades, Sisterhood of the Rose was the feminine counterpart to the #Templars.

During #WorldWar2, they tried to influence some of the top #Nazis, sometimes successfully persuading them to more peaceful ways, and thus saving many lives.

Venus-Sun transits in 2004 and 2012 were a coded sign in the sky to reactivate the #SisterhoodOfTheRose:

Feminine principle was suppressed by the #Archons throughout history by female sexual energy control and manipulation and the key to liberate the #feminine is for women to allow themselves to feel their sexual energy, align it with their heart and express it in their own way.

Ibiza is an island, sacred to Goddess #Tanit.
She is the Goddess of waters and her springs and fountains bring #healing, rejuvenation and alignment of electromagnetic field of our body and our energy field.

She is a #CosmicGoddess and Romans called her #Juno Caelestis.
She and her island will support us on our path of individual, planetary and cosmic integration.

Water Shows the Hidden Heart in 432Hz
( Coddess Energy Video ):

It has been requested from the Light forces that women and men with inner connection with the #Goddess begin to gather in groups to reactivate the #SisterhoodOfTheRose.

Those groups need to gather physically at least once a week
and invoke #Goddess energy for planetary #peace in their own unique way.

Sisterhood of the Rose Planetary Activation…


Those groups will become the #feminine aspect of support for the planetary transition at the time of #theEvent, whereas the Event Support groups represent the #masculine aspect.

It has been requested from the Light forces that at the time of the Event all #SisterhoodOfTheRose groups meet, meditate for a peaceful transition and invoke Goddess energies of Love and harmony.

Many temples of the Goddess will be built after #theEvent.

Note: The following three meditations are required in the #SisterhoodOfTheRose meditation.

🔸Return of the #Goddess meditation:…

🔸Goddess Vortex meditation:…

🔸Sexual Healing meditation:

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