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Vedic Astrologer | Strong lineage of learned astrologers for 9 generations. For Vedic Astro consultations +91 9966667290 (Whatsapp/Telegram)

Aug 17, 2020, 9 tweets


5 planets in own sign: An Rare cosmic combination


Today, a rare astrological phenomenon will be experienced when 5 planets will be in their own signs. #Jupiter is in #Sagittarius, #Mars is in #Aries, #Sun is in #Leo, #Moon in #cancer and #saturn in #capricorn.


Overall,Sun and mars entering their #mooltrikona rashis will give favourable results for most people. But lets analyse this current phenomenon in detail. At one glance, planets occupying own sign symbolises strength. Yes,of course own house give power to natural

natural significations of the planet.

-As Sun is in leo,government will be able to take powerful decision without any major opposition.
-Mars give you the courage and passion to execute the ideas.
-As both sun and mars are strong,you will have lot of energy and vitality.


-Moon ,a watery planet in the water sign of cancer gives free flow of emotions but it can make you over emotional too.
-Just opposite to moon,saturn is sitting in the sign of capricorn which is a cold sign bereft of emotions.


-Moon and saturn mutually aspecting each other for two days.This mutual aspect is creating a conflict between domestic and professional life.
-Jupiter in Sagittarius is retrograde and conjunct ketu acting as fallen planet which has gone over the same degrees in Sagittarius


previously too. But still as it is greatest benefic,you can expect good fruits.

Now the more interesting fact is that even when moon leaves cancer,the other 4 planets will be still in their own signs. The other crucial fact is that in the kalpurush kundli, the dharma


trikonas are aries,leo and sagittarius. These 3 signs are mooltrikona rashis of Mars,Sun and Jupiter.For a long time,their own lords are residing over the rashis.This makes dharma trine very active.These house hold an important place in the chart as 5 & 9 houses are related


to the blessings of forefathers ,good fortune and past merits.So,it is great time for doing fire rituals and serving pitris for opening new doors of opportunity.You can do a homa st home or simply light a lamp daily before your isht dev.Honour your


ancestors and do their sharadh with full devotion in upcoming pitru paksha.This will help you to rectify the karmic tendences related to this signs,no matter where they are placed in your chart.
#GajananSays #astrology #PlanetTransit #AstrologyFacts

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