Ryan Heath Profile picture
Head of comms @RobinAI_UK. Formerly @axios @politico @EU_Commission @UKgovcomms 🏳️‍🌈 🇦🇺 🇧🇪 in 🇺🇸

Aug 24, 2020, 5 tweets

Today's Republican party is little more than a Trump personality cult, if you ask its own operatives, pollsters, or seasons reporters like @TimAlberta. First-time voters have no idea what it means to be Republican today #RNC politico.com/minutes/conven…

The president can't explain his own second-term agenda, leading many to wonder if there is one. The campaign released bullet points but no bold plans last night politico.com/minutes/conven… #RNCConvention

Republicans squeezed four years of planning into four weeks — the RNC is starting in the wake of an arrest, a resignation, and a Trump family feud. politico.com/minutes/conven…

The party openly contradicts itself on #MailInVoting - quietly pushing it while Trump rages politico.com/minutes/conven…

Which leave the #GOP playing a week-long culture war at #RNC2020 politico.com/minutes/conven…

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