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Aug 26, 2020, 10 tweets

#storytimethread - Atma linga - Gokarna - Bhagwan Shiva

Entire story of Atma Linga is beautifully sculptured in cave below Shiva in Kanduka Hill -Murudeshwar #temple

5 temple's where parts of Atma Lingam fell-Gokarna, Murudeshwar,Gunuvanteshwar, Sajjeshwar & Dareshwar


Ravana's mother -Kaikesi worships Shiva linga made with sand near the beach at Lanka.But everytime linga gets washed away on the seashore snd she would have to make one again.Ravana promises to his mother that he would get Shiva's atma linga.


Ravana performs intense tapas to please Bhagwan Shiva so that he grants Atma linga.Narada muni informs about this to Vishnu so as change Ravana's mind.Due to Vishnu's play,Ravana asks for Goddess Parvati, &Shiva grants his wish.


On the way back,Narada shows Kali avatar of Parvati to Ravana. This is not real Parvathi,asks him to go to Pathala.Ravana frees Kali In Pathala lok he gets married to Mandodari assuming her to be Parvati.Then returns to Lanka, where his mother asks him for the Linga.


Ravana then realizes that he was tricked.He again starts tapas Shiva with much more devotion. Shiva appears & this time, Ravana requests Atma Linga. Shiva agrees but with 1 condition that it should never be placed on ground.If placed,all powers would return to Shiva again.

Ravana with Atma linga starts his journey.Narada Muni requests Ganesha to prevent it from reaching Lanka.Ravana was
nearing Gokarna,Vishnu created illusion of dusk.Ravana now had to perform his evening rituals.
Ganesha disguised as a small brahmin boy arrives &offers to hold


Boy says if he finds it too heavy, will call out to Ravana 3times,n will keep it down.Ravana accepts n goes to offer prayers. At right time,Ganesha calls out thrice keeps Atma Linga on the beach sand.Angry Ravana tries to pull it out with force but the linga is fixed firmly.

Due to the force exerted by Ravana, some pieces were scattered.Atma linga is in Gokarna - Mahabaleshwar #Temple
Head of Linga -Surathkal- Sadashiva Temple
Case of Linga -Sajjeshwara
Lid of the case Guneshwara &Dhareshwara
Cloth covering AtmaLinga Kanduka Hill-Murudeshwara


All photos in this thread - credit to respective owners.
Source text - based on templesofsouthindia blog

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