World Health Organization (WHO) Profile picture
We are the #UnitedNations’ health agency - #HealthForAll. Always check our latest tweets for updated advice/information.

Sep 1, 2020, 5 tweets

Everyday, healthcare workers around the world are at risk.
Not just from #COVID19, but from other people.

#HealthWorkers are caring for us. Let us care for them.

Be respectful.
Be supportive.
Be kind.


#BeKind and support loved ones during #COVID19.
📞 Check in regularly
👏 Encourage them to keep doing what they enjoy
📢 Share WHO information to manage anxiety
🚸Provide calm and correct advice for your children

#BeKind to yourself and #BeActive during #COVID19:
1⃣ Regularly check your sitting posture while working from home
2⃣ Break up your sitting & stand up while working 👨‍💻, on the phone📞, or watching TV 📺

Crowded & messy home?
Kids crying?
Teenagers screaming?
Back-to-back online meetings?

Take a deep breath.
Take a break.
Do something for yourself.

#BeKind and take care of yourself so you can take care of your children.

Parenting tips during #COVID19

The @Minions & Gru are supporting WHO in making sure people of all ages stay safe and healthy during this #COVID19 pandemic:
💛 physically distancing
💛 being active at home
💛 #BeKind to each other

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