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Research & Report on right-wing extremism. Citizen journalist, photographer, activist, recovering addict, drug policy & criminal justice reform advocate

Sep 8, 2020, 14 tweets

[Thread] Violence committed by #ProudBoys at #MAGA event in salem. Baseball bat to a head, smashed persons head on ground, Magen Marie pepper sprayed while on ground.Lie to cops and claim self-defense, cop says "I understand".Say they are tired of violence, but seem to love it

Proud boy admits on video of "splitting their wig" Then justified by blaming a killing in Portland on a person that has nothing to do with it. This is what makes them dangerous, if you oppose them you are their enemy.

Older man has his sign snatched from #MAGATrash, he strips, so they mace him and call him a pedophile. This is obvious projection when they make claims that being naked in public is synonymous with sexual attraction to kids.

Again chase down another individual lead by Ty Parker and Trenton Wolfskill,shooting them, shoving them to ground, slapping them and calling them a fa*. Mike baker did interview with them, as more chuds walk back and forth by them.

Ty Parker & Trenton Wolfskill released with misdemeanors and their weapons/protective gear. If they were leftists, charges would be felonies & protective gear/weapons would be held as "evidence" & published to public. No charge for baseball bat to the head

Member of press was chased out for being "disrespectful" and shot in the back with paintballs.

A bunch of #MAGAt chics start harrassing @KohzKah, and when she doesn't leave the sidewalk when they tell her to, try and bear mace her. They are quickly disarmed. Love it

#ProudBoy Daniel Tooze justifies why his crew surrounded random skater in a threatening way after the skater witnessed them chasing(with a bat)a guy on a bike.Then justified shooting press w/ paintballs and regurgitates fake press talking points(vid below)

#ProudBoy Daniel Toolze also claiming cops probably dress like ProudBoys to fuck with leftists. Wonder what Salem PD and State Troopers would say about that statement.

Sandra Alma trying to blame random Salem Skater for things that happen in Portland, claiming he is antifa because he's wearing a black shirt. Tells him he should give up citizenship if he wants to see change in America. I think she practiced that line in the mirror before rally

Trump Kid justifies profiling and harrassing a random white skater and a black skater. Says they weren't wearing Trump gear, they are wearing black so its a good assumption to say they are BLM/Antifa.These are the same people that claim racial profiling isn't real. Who is this?

This is the guy that shot press with paintballs, because @JamahlFilbert76 and @ChandlerPappas got the crowd riled up for nothing. Later Kareem apolgizes.

@JamahlFilbert76 claims Alan Swinney isn't a white supremacist & justifies pulling a gun on a crowd because he didn't pull the trigger. Anyone knows you don't aim guns at people with finger on trigger unless you are ready to use it.Have you not seen this?

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