WesElyMD Profile picture
Husband & Dad. ICU Doc. Vanderbilt. @CIBScenter studies Covid & Long Covid, ICU Survivorship, PICS, Dementia, Delirium. Tweets my own. Still learning.

Sep 9, 2020, 5 tweets

1/ Women in #CriticalCare: #Anesthesia/CC

Four EXPERT MD mentees in our CIBS Center (clockwise top left): Heidi Smith (R01 funded for Mini-MENDS), @kimberlyrengel (studies prehabilitation), @christinahayhu2 (pain after ICU) & Tina Boncyk (FAER awardee).
#medtwitter #heforshe

2/ Women in #CriticalCare: Biostatistics

“Stats-magicians” bring truth from darkness to light at CIBS Center. Our EXPERT is Dr. Rameela Raman (e.g. MIND-USA NEJM). Dr. Ayumi Shintani & @jent103 did stats for CAM-ICU, MENDS & ABC trials & BRAIN-ICU NEJM.

#biostats #epidemiology

3/ Women in #CriticalCare: #Surgery

Dr. @MinaFaye = bada$$ #surgeon runs CIBS weekly ICU Support Group w @CLG_PhD & 2 major studies: ISOLATE-ICU (COVID isolation on pts & families), RETURN III (VA Merit RCT of Cog-Rehab post ICU). All this & new mom of Milo James!


4/ Women in #CriticalCare:

Success happens for our 90-person #Vanderbilt #VA CIBS Center research team via daily leadership of our Program Managers Rebecca Abel @ba327 & Holly Stevens @stevenshollyj, both EXPERTLY balancing this + being wives & mothers. I bow down 👊


5/fin - Women in #CriticalCare: Neurospychology

Dr. Mona Hopkins is external collaborator at CIBS for 20 yrs (eg, senior advisor BRAIN-ICU NEJM). She’s Iconic, shaping our understanding of #delirium on #dementia & #PICS in ICU survivors. #Influencer
#medtwitter #pulmcc #sccm

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