Rijo M. John Profile picture
PhD | Economist | Prof. @rajagiri.edu | Consultant to @WHO @WorldBank @TobaccoFreeKids @Tobacconomics | Former faculty @iitjodhpur

Sep 11, 2020, 9 tweets

👉10 Sep: India crossed 4.5M reported #COVID19 cases & 76304 deaths
👉This thread shows important trends national, state & district level
6.3 lakh new cases & 7735 deaths were added in the past one weeks
About 7.4M tests were done during this period (TPR 8.6%)

👉Cases growing at the rate of 2.1% & remained steady over a week
👉Average growth of active cases increased to 1.9%
👉Daily tests averaged 10.6L past 7 days
👉Daily deaths ~1100 level (2/n)

👉Tests & cases growing almost at the same rate
👉Of the 5.4 crore tests done so far only about 2.7 crores are RT-PCR
👉Most state daily bulletins do not provide break-up of test results by test type

👉Chattisgarh in the only state with 7-day avg growth >5%
👉Number of states with <5% TPR is shrinking
👉Maharashtra stands out with very high daily TPR as it is still doing very low number of tests per million (< Indian avg.) & reporting highest daily cases

👉Mortality rate at 1.7%
👉High MR in MH, GJ & PB
👉MH again stands our whether one looks at MR based on reported cases or per million population

👉The daily reported numbers from y'day across states
👉Ladakh & Delhi did highest tests per million per day y'day
👉Many larger and high burden states like MH, UP, WB, MP, RJ etc doing low tests per million per day

👉Trends in daily test per million per day and test positive rate across states with at least 20K reported cases
👉KA, BR, UT, Goa etc reducing daily tests per million

👉Top 50 districts in India in terms of total cases
👉53% of cases & 66% of deaths now come from these districts
👉This was 57% of cases & 69% just three weeks ago
Delhi, Mumbai, Thane, and Aurangabad seeing a rebound in cases after declining for several days

➡️Lastly, here is the projected trajectory of cases till Sept 30, as projected on Aug 24. This has been right on track till now. (n/n)

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