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Sep 11, 2020, 5 tweets

The #LakshmanaTemple is a 10th-century Hindu temple built by Yashovarman located in Khajuraho, India. It is dedicated to Vaikuntha Vishnu - an aspect of God Vishnu. It is a Sandhara Temple of the Panchayatana.


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Entire #LakshmanaTemple complex stands on a high platform (Jagati). Its shikhara is clustered with minor urushringas (a subsidiary tower springing from sides of the main shikhara tower in the Hindu temple architecture of northern India.)


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The sanctum contains 4-armed & Tri-Headed sculpture of Vaikuntha Vishnu. The central head is of human & two sides of Varaha & Narasimha.

#LakshmanaTemple, #Khajuraho India


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The steps leading up to the #LakshmanaTemple have a superbly ornate series of toranas, or entrance gateways. These show the crocodile-like sea monsters known as Makaras, swallowing or spitting out a long line of maidens.


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In the three cardinal niches of the wall are incarnations of God Vishnu, 📷1: Varaha in the south, 📷2: Narasimha on the west, and 📷3: Hayagriva in the North.


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