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Sep 13, 2020, 8 tweets

Yesterday we drove down Oregon HWY 97—the edge of the Two Four Two Fire. The fire has burned over 14,000 acres in Southern Oregon & is 7% contained. Several hot spots burned along the hwy as we passed. #fires #fire #twofourtwofire #OregonFires #OregonWildfires #oregon #wildfire

Along the highway, in the Two Four Two Fire zone, a sign reads “No Trespassing, Looters Will Be Shot.” The fire had burned several structures on the property behind the sign. #fires #fire #twofourtwofire #OregonFires #OregonWildfires #oregon #wildfire #wildfires

Along the highway, a team worked to secure power lines. Although the cause of the Two Four Two Fire is still unknown, downed power lines are a common cause of wildfires. #fires #fire #twofourtwofire #OregonFires #OregonWildfires #oregon #wildfire #wildfires #clypiancoverage

At the Chiloquin Airport, a staging area is set up to provide ground support to firefighters, with restrooms, tents, supplies, etc. There are 309 personnel working the fire according to @ORDeptForestry yesterday. #fires #fire #twofourtwofire #OregonFires #oregon #wildfire

According to the @ORDeptForestry, 4 helicopters have been allocated to fight the Two Four Two Fire. Some of these can be seen at the Chiloquin Airport. #fires #fire #twofourtwofire #OregonFires #OregonWildfires #oregon #wildfire #wildfires #clypiancoverage

A Red Cross shelter has been set up by the Crater Lake Junction Travel Center to support evacuees. Volunteers provide basic supplies to those evacuating & find them places to stay. #fires #fire #twofourtwofire #OregonFires #OregonWildfires #oregon #wildfire #wildfires

Several evacuees with trailers/RVs appeared to be spending the night at the Crater Lake Junction Travel Center parking lot. There were approximately half a dozen RVs plus a livestock trailer. #fires #fire #twofourtwofire #OregonFires #OregonWildfires #oregon #wildfire #wildfires

A sign at the Crater Lake Junction Travel Center, along Highway 97, reads “Thank You Firefighters.” #fires #fire #twofourtwofire #OregonFires #OregonWildfires #oregon #wildfire #wildfires #clypiancoverage

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