Dr. Nabarun Dasgupta Profile picture
Street drug scientist + activist💥 Innovation Fellow @UNCpublichealth @UNC_IPRC • Startup @RemedyAlliance • Epidemiology+HarmReduction • editor @AmJPublicHealth

Sep 17, 2020, 9 tweets

Excited for Priya Bahri’s plenary session on #scicomm at #ICPE20 #RxEpi starting at 11:15am ET today

#pharmacoepidemiology @ISPE_Exchange

Here we go! #icpe2020

"Is silence better than getting it wrong?" when it comes to emerging medication safety issues for patients - Priya Bahri asks of #drugsafety at #ICPE20

Insight from François Houyez of @eurordis : If patients are taking many meds, we may want a side effect to be caused by a particular one of them"

@eurordis François Houyez of @eurordis lays out great case study on patient panic from inadequate patient safety communication.

Also #excipient matters are very relevant to patients!

At #ICPE20 - #RxEpi

"100% increase" for RR=2 ? Wegwarth @mpib_berlin @ #ICPE20: relative scale leads thinking med/intervention is MORE effective/harmful than it is. Use carefully!
Contraceptive increased side effect 1 ➡️ 2 out of 7k = 0.01% absolute ⬆️ , 100% relative ⬆️
#EpiTwitter #RxEpi

Odette Wegwarth of @mpib_berlin @ #ICPE20 closes with: “Statistics are like a bikini. What they reveal is interesting, but what they hide is vital.”
― Aaron Levenstein

#RxEpi #SciComm

@mpib_berlin Sara ElShafie @sci_story blows up #ICPE20 with this quote from @AlanAlda @AldaCenter

Sara ElShafie @sci_story's presentation at #ICPE20 is 🔥👏

"#SciComm is distilling, not dumbing down. Most important thing is start with empathy. Audience will remember most how you made them feel."


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