N0rth0ftheW4ll 🇺🇲🇺🇦 Profile picture
Its always darkest before the sunrise....

Sep 26, 2020, 6 tweets

Fascinating, we have started our analysis of our #Hamilton68 archive of Kremlin aligned trolls and their Twitter conversations around trying to de-legitimize the 2020 elections. Alot of retweeting of President Trump, actually & boosting content like this. #infoOps #osint #disinfo

The article was originally put out by the Kremlin aligned blogging site fort-russ(.)com on July 30th and the account preceded to push out the article again & again using a link shortener until it gave up on August 1st. Notice the other hashtags included. #infoOps #osint #disinfo

Very much related to this previous FBI PSA

As I mentioned above alot of the recent pro-Kremlin #Hamilton68 troll activity has been just retweeting / boosting tweets by President Trump. This one in particular on May 26 included alot of boosting by pro-Kremlin trolls starting after midnight (May 27) #infoOps #osint #disinfo

Heres a more recent example of a Trump tweet falsely implying a rigged election in North Carolina. This also got boosting by pro-Kremlin #Hamilton68 trolls. Note a voter can only vote once by mail-in ballot so the # of ballots they may or may not get doesnt matter #disinfo #osint

This tweet by a Walter Cronkite parody account on Aug 16th was also boosted by pro-Kremlin #Hamilton68 accounts. Again trying to call into question the need for mail-in voting. #infoOps #disinfo #osint

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