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Oct 2, 2020, 19 tweets

The ultimate downplay: Trump knew he had #COVID19, but interacted with his followers and staff anyway. #TrumpHasCovid

“Trump Went Ahead With Golf Club Fundraiser After Hicks Tested Positive” for #COVID.

No shock. He’s been setting up rallies, even indoor ones, putting his followers at risk for his own gain.…

Donors purchased “a roundtable discussion with Trump, photo opportunity and reception” for $250,000.…

New Jersey’s Governor urges those who attended Trump’s fundraiser at his golf course to self-quarantine and get tested for #COVID19.

Let’s meet some of Trump’s donors who paid up to $250,000 just to have Trump expose them to #COVID19 at his New Jersey fundraiser.

Let’s call it contact tracing assistance. #TrumpHasCovid

Meet Trump fundraiser attendee @PattiBoss. On Instagram, Patti said she took a photo with Trump, whom she calls the “GOAT.”

Photos with Trump started at $20,000.

Even though Trump donor Patti took a picture with Trump and was with him for “30 seconds” she says she “never got close to him.”

Patti has also likes to share social media posts that that downplay #COVID19.

Trump donor Patricia Schechter, who attended the Trump fundraiser at Bedminster, believes that Trump is asymptomatic and asymptomatic carriers of #COVID19 pose “NO RISK OF INFECTION.” #TrumpCovid

Patti, who took a picture with #COVID19 infected Trump, says the “worst part” is comments from the left.

So not the possibility of being infected?

Fundraiser attendee Natalie Workman sat across from Trump at the fundraiser Trump attended with #COVID19.

Donors Natalie Workman and Brandon Dawson were excited to meet Trump.

Natalie tells us that Trump’s fundraiser attendees like themselves were tested for #COVID19 and phones were not allowed inside the closed door fundraiser with Trump at Bedminster. #TrumpCovid

After being exposed to #COVID19 by Trump, the fundraiser attendees board a private plane headed to Phoenix.

Video of the drive thru covid test line at Trump’s Bedminster Golf Club ahead of his fundraiser.

People still can’t find COVID tests around the country. #TrumpCovid

Charlie Kolean and Daniel Hux from Texas also attended the Trump fundraiser at Bedminster. Here is more video of the #COVID19 drive thru test.

According to a donor at the Bedminster fundraiser, Trump spoke “for about an hour and 40 minutes” while infected with #COVID19.

After visiting the fundraiser and sitting with #COVID19 infected Trump for “a hour and 40 minutes,” these two donors visited Times Square and Wall Street.

Comedian and talk show host Joe Piscapo also attended the Trump fundraiser at Bedminster.

In social media posts, Piscapo emphasized how safe the event was after news of Trump’s positive #COVID19 test broke. #TrumpHasCovid

Update: Donor Charlie Kolean says there were about 60 people at the NJ fundraiser and Trump took photos with all attendees in a separate room. Guests were able to speak with Trump during the photo opportunity.

Afterwards, Trump spoke outdoors to a group of about 200.

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