Mira Christanto Profile picture
ELI50 Macro & crypto. @DCGexpeditions VC. Formerly @messaricrypto, TradFi 15 years, managed $7bn equities fund and founded a meditation studio.

Apr 1, 2021, 11 tweets

The problem with $ETH is that the more users there are, the slower and more expensive it gets. ETH's continued dominance as the de-facto smart contract layer depends on its ability to scale.

Let me ELI5 the scaling solutions & projects. 1/

@ethereum Power users: Even if you don't know about ZK-Rollups, Sharding, or Plasma, the future of the most active blockchain depends on it.
@VitalikButerin has been thinking about it for 7 years

Scaling is a priority for ETH. Miners have been cashing in, seeing a 50% increase in revenues compared to the highs of 2017.

For users, ETH can be prohibitively expensive. This has been terrific for competitors like #BSC, $SOL and $DOT

There are 2 types of scaling solutions: Layer 1 (onchain, everything on ETH) and Layer 2 (data and computation done offchain). The different types are
1. State Channels
2. Plasma / Childchains
3. Sidechains
4. Rollups
5. Validium
6. Sharding (part of ETH2)

For a list of projects using these techs, see the report messari.io/article/ecosys…

Let's go through a few of the types... 5/11

State Channels: allow users to transact many times off-chain while only submitting two transactions to the Ethereum network -one at the time of opening and one at the time of closing the channel.

Sidechains: are a separate blockchain running alongside and communicating with Ethereum. It’s connected to Ethereum using a peg with another token, creating a two-way bridge.

Rollups allow thousands of transactions to be bundled in a single Rollup block.

We cover Optimistic Rollups and ZK Rollups in the report messari.io/article/ecosys…

Sharding simply means a network can be split into many rails to process transactions in parallel. There are also no deposits or funds staked in shards, as it’s part of the mainchain

ETH is migrating to ETH2.0, as complex as sailing a boat while trying to build a new boat attached to it.
Importantly, it's moving from PoW to PoS. Here's how they compare:

While Ethereum is working towards ETH2, projects are concurrently offering a hybrid of technologies to provide the best scaling solutions.
Composability and network effects will create a multiper effect on scaling.

Read more about the ecosystem:

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