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Apr 2, 2021, 9 tweets

Today is World #Autism Awareness Day

Here are some tips for caregivers of children with developmental disabilities.
1⃣ Engage with your child in play and everyday activities

Here are some tips for caregivers of children with developmental disabilities, such as #autism
2⃣ Use everyday activities to create opportunities for communication

Here are some tips for caregivers of children with developmental disabilities, such as #autism
3⃣ Prepare your child for the day and help him or her to participate in everyday activities

Here are some tips for caregivers of children with developmental disabilities, such as #autism
4⃣ Make your own well-being, as well as that of your child, a priority

In general, caregivers of children with developmental delays, such as #autism, often experience high levels of distress and, in many cases, interruptions or discontinuation of care services

The #COVID19 pandemic has had major impacts on mental health but particularly on that of women and those taking care of young children with developmental disabilities, including #autism

WHO developed Caregiver Skills Training for families of children with developmental delays or disorders, including #autism.
The programme takes a family-oriented approach and is designed to be delivered by trained non-specialists.

How to improve the life of children with developmental delays and disabilities, such as #autism?

This is Karina's story, mom of Gabriel, 7, from Argentina

”I’m glad with Gabriel’s achievements…You have to value what he can do. And encourage him to move forward. That is the important thing. And keep on working on the difficulties. We can face life this way, thanks to the [WHO] programme.”-Karina #autism

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