Adam Rifkin 🐼🌻 Profile picture
Our world needs more givers, love, and compassion. Please be kind. #FTTB

Apr 3, 2021, 11 tweets

Everything builds on prior efforts:

“The point of setting ambitious goals isn't to experience joy. It's to pursue personal growth and mastery — or to create something of value for others.” @AdamMGrant


“The single best predictor of behavior is ease — more than price, or quality, or comfort, or desire, or satisfaction." @zoebchance

Even when something is not easy, some will try to navigate the path:


“Success is largely the failures you avoid.” @JamesClear

“We think of failure and success as opposites when in reality failure is part of success.” @lizandmollie

65/ @ChloeFlower #UP

“We don’t need more empathy in the world. We need more compassion. Empathy is FEELING the pain and suffering of others. COMPASSION is ACTING to RELIEVE the pain and suffering of others.” @AdamMGrant


“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou…

67/ 🎶 @iamezinma @lizzo

The career plan of "achieve success, then give back" misses many opportunities to GIVE ALONG THE WAY:

Offer feedback
Share knowledge
Make introductions
Recognize unsung heroes
Provide advice
Show compassion


We believe in the interconnectedness of all things.

Everything — and EVERYONE — is deeply intertwingled.

Every tweet is a message in a bottle to someone somewhere else. Please be kind. #KindnessMatters


“Building resilience isn’t about becoming immune to pain. It’s recognizing that we have strength to persevere in the face of pain. Capacity to feel intense emotions… enables us to hope and to love.” @AdamMGrant

70/ #HouseOfBach

“Mastery comes from deliberate practice. Creativity comes from deliberate play… New ideas flourish in unstructured activities and serendipitous conversations.” @AdamMGrant

71/ 💃 🩰: @KylieSheaXO #ballerina

“Practicing the same skill back-to-back is less effective than mixing up different skills. Varying your practice focuses attention and accelerates learning.” @AdamMGrant

72/ 🩰💃: #CharlotteNebres @nycballet

”A key to resilience is your past self: Remembering that you've overcome adversity before.” @AdamMGrant

"You are not born with a fixed amount of resilience. Like a muscle, you can build it up." @sherylsandberg

73/ @Simone_Biles

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