Maryam Rajavi Profile picture
The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran @Maryam_Rajavi_P @Maryam_Rajavi_A @Maryam_Rajavi_F

Apr 4, 2021, 11 tweets

Interim session of the National Council of Resistance of #Iran- Iranian society is in circumstances of a revolution; the sole democratic alternative glows- Auver-Sur-Oise

The beginning of the Persian Year 1400 marks 40 years of NCRI’s steadfast struggle against the mullahs’ religious fascism, representing the greatest and longest organized resistance in #Iran’s history. #IranRegimeChange #آری_به_جمهوری_دمکراتیک

The Iranian society is a powder keg ready to go off against the mullahs’ oppression.The objective conditions for the regime’s overthrow are in place. There is a serious conflict between the people & the tyrants, while the latter is weak, decrepit, &has no solutions. #IranProtests

The regime is fully aware that it is being threatened by very radical uprisings. Yet, it cannot offer any political or economic solutions to contain them. Whatever solution it undertakes, the outcome will undermine its own foundations. #IranProtests #آری_به_جمهوری_دمکراتیک

The regime has stepped up the attacks and missile launches on Iraq and Saudi Arabia, since the new U.S. President took office, because it needs them to maintain its own internal balance and to pressure its western counterparts to lift the sanctions. #Iran

The clerical regime’s election charade is neither free nor congruent with any international standards. It does not enjoy any popular legitimacy and is just a means to cover up the ugly and blood-thirsty visage of religious fascism. #BoycottIranShamElections

We say: No to religious fascist regime, yes to a democratic republic. Yes, to a pluralist republic based on free elections, separation of religion & state,gender equality, abolishment of the death penalty, elimination of religious discriminations& autonomy for ethnic groups #Iran

Amidst the regime’s impasse where it has no solutions to offer, in which direction will #Iran move and what are the prospects? The answer is: The Iranian people and Resistance, the Resistance Units and the Army of Freedom will have the final say. #IranProtests #IranRegimeChange

The NCRI is proud to have insisted on the overthrow of the clerical regime for the past 4 decades. It has always exposed & nullified any illusions about the regime’s ability to reform. The NCRI’s proud existence is the Iranian people’s decisive NO to the Shah and the mullahs.

I salute all the proud women and men who have risen to support the NCRI. I particularly hail the brave political prisoners who are persevering in Khamenei’s dungeons, standing up to the regime and are the standard bearers of freedom and equality for the people of #Iran.

If the regime continues its aggressions and belligerence in the region, it will undermine its own status. If it steps back, it will lose one of its own power tools, which will pave the way for the loss of its entire power and rule. #Iran

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