Marc Owen Jones Profile picture
Asc Prof @HBKU | Author:Digital Authoritarianism in the Middle East & Political Repression in Bahrain | PhD @durham_uni | NR Sen Fellow @dawnmenaorg @ME_Council

Apr 7, 2021, 6 tweets

[Thread] 1/6 Interesting accounts tweeting on the chopped hashtag بس_ار - which is the middle portion of the anti-MBS hashtag ارحل_مبس (Leave MBS) .

Summary: sockpuppets in this network appear to be mostly using Twitter for Iphone

I estimate around 300 sockpuppets #Saudi

2/6 It starts with accounts tweeting the suspicious hashtag in isolation (why would you tweet a deliberately nonsensical hashtag spontaneously unless it was co-ordinated?) Graph shows tweets (i.e. not RTs, mention etc) in green starting off the activity

3/6 Almost all the tweets that begin the hashtag are sent from iphone (see turqouise colour). Again, multiple accounts, tweeting a strange hashtag in isolation, using the same devices)

4/6 The content they are tweeting is mostly random content, ads, football stuff, aphorisms and quotes. Basically, nothing cohesive - after all, the hashtag is jargon and not a real thing.

5/6 The velocity (number of tweets and how fast they are sent) is high in the beginning, with around 252 being sent in the space of 20 minutes. Velocity is important in getting something to trend.

6/6 Most of the account histories are spammy, suggesting it's some sort bot/sockpuppet operation though. Some are real, but most suspicious. Needless to say, this violates many of Twitters rules on spam and platform manipulation

#Saudi #disinformation

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