0xAllen 🛡️🦇🔊 Profile picture
The quiet part out loud. Blast Ref: https://t.co/OJJVeLewYR building: @atlasxy_, @dotearth | previously: @Vayner3

Apr 9, 2021, 20 tweets

In the last 45 days I've collected #NFTs from many artists and projects. Let's discuss why for many of them...👇

I should have grabbed @sabet sooner than I did. I knew his story of @pixopop and also his original artwork which I loved the instant I saw it. He's been in the space for over 20yrs and has just recently made his way into NFTs. He's just getting started.

I heard @NylaCollection in a Clubhouse room and appreciated her being able to explain the reason and context of her work at such an early age. The "Long-Neckie" collection has a story and purpose.

I've been excited about @eddiegangland and his ability to experiment with his Skulls series. I've reacted from "what is that?!" to "I want that now!". Follow this guy!

We've all seen the @WARHODL cans and his latest was for a fantastic purpose. LHS, "let her speak" is the movement and this piece was put out to combat some toxic culture on Clubhouse.

Censorship is a problem and @adultarts is the solution. Her art is unapologetic and I am glad to support her mission in a culture that claims to be open but doesn't behave as such.

Who knew overclocking and burned glitched images were art?! Not me, not until I saw @gaperartnft. He's a grinder and continue to push the limits of hardware driven artistic expression.

If you've been to France you've probably seen some of @Eltono work without knowing it! He's been an artist for over 20yrs and has recently entered the #NFT space with his Stylus, 12 Points and Sidereal generative collections.

My first photo #NFTs were from @justinaversano. The Twins Collection is powerful and have a great story to share with each featured twin. He's also been an immense positive force in the NFT world with @saveartspace

Another #Hashmasks, enough said. Limited edition digital prints monetization is coming, do with that what you want.

My favorite mixed media piece is the genesis piece from @djkirax23. Her entire collection is a story in itself and does not disappoint. Check out her collection on foundation.app/X23.

Another special curated @artblocks_io collection. Archetype by @kGolid is one of my favorite onchain generative art collections.

Almost done...@rarepizzas wants to give away at least 10K pizzas on Bitcoin Pizza Day all over the world. Looking forward to seeing the completed generated #NFT pizzas.

The only post 2017 pixel collection project I've purchased. @i3uuve1 is a big contributor on Clubhouse and I like the effort he's putting into the Mongolian community.

NFT colors? Count me in if it is 100% on-chain, all the way down to the tokenURI being onchain. @colorverse_NFT is a first of its kind. This is my Founder's token. We don't need @pantone's approval.

I like when people push the limits of what is deemed socially acceptable. This and @Stretta_4U's contributions to the #NFT Clubhouse community has been great.

Another artist that is finding her space and artistic approach. @KristinaRadiy continues to experiment with various forms and media formats.

A is for Allen. I've got a new appreciation for calligraphy after encountering @sarah_script's work. I think she's been working on very interesting and creative pieces.

Some will tell you #NFTs are dying and are in a bubble. Maybe financially there is a bubble, but what is not a bubble are the huge number of artists and developers who are onboarding onto crypto creating communities and using Web2 platforms to build the new world based on #Web3.

Add in the historic unearthing of #MoonCats, #Etheria and #CryptoCats and everyone's #NFT story is just getting started! Buckle up!

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