Ali H. Mokdad Profile picture
Husband, father, epidemiologist, Chief Strategy Officer @UW_PHI, Professor @IHME_UW, former @CDCgov senior epidemiologist and director of @BRFSS

Apr 11, 2021, 5 tweets

Globally, reported #COVID19 cases decreased to 512,000 per day on average compared to 532,800 the week before while reported daily deaths increased to 12,200 per day on average compared to 11,100 the week before. Large surges are seen in Iran, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh. 1/5

in Bangladesh, daily reported cases in the last week increased to 5,200 per day on average compared to 3,000 the week before. Daily deaths in the last week increased to 110 per day on average compared to 67 the week before. 2/5

In Pakistan, daily reported cases in the last week increased to about 4,700 per day on average compared to about 3,700 the week before. Daily deaths in the last week increased to about 84 per day on average compared to about 61 the week before. 3/5

In India, daily reported cases in the last week increased to 68,600 per day on average compared to 50,200 the week before. Daily deaths in the last week increased to 910 per day on average compared to 570 the week before.

In Iran, daily reported cases in the last week increased to 10,000 per day on average compared to 7,500 the week before. Daily deaths in the last week increased to 110 per day on average compared to 85 the week before. 5/5

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